About Satan

Whenever I talk about Satan and how he influences things in this world and so on, people who listen to that invariably end up with wrong conclusions. They seem to see Satan behind every single thing, involved with the tiniest nuances of their personal lives, which is of course not how it works. And yet, it is.

What Satan actually does, is the same thing you would do in his place. He made simple, straightforward rules that deal with predictable things. For instance, “block memory of things that precede incarnation”. If you don’t know what you are, what you’re doing here and what’s the nature of this place, you’re fucked. If you try to get out, most likely you’ll end up worse for the wear. So it’s a simple rule with far-reaching effects, that serves Satan’s goals with zero personal involvement on his part.

So, let me list some of those rules. I know, they look terribly obvious, but bear with me.

Make the thing out of inviolable resources, with claim to free will, so that everyone has the right to experience it freely, and nobody has the right to prevent entry.

Inhibit memory of existence prior to incarnation.

Inhibit personal vertical. Promote anahata chakra as a substitute.

Discourage personal growth. Promote investment of energy into others.

Block spiritual powers. Allow exceptions only when harmful. Direct the negative reactions to obvious harm into feeding the ban on spiritual powers (power = ego = harm = bad).

Allow physical survival only by means that further entangle the subject. Prohibit physical survival by means that promote liberation.

Invest all spiritual resources which you control as bait. Make the trap glow with spiritual attractiveness and promise of progress, evolution and greatness.

Prior to incarnation, deceive by offering insight into positive aspects of the future life, while obscuring the negative ones, and the ratio of negative to positive.

At the moment the incarnation tree is chosen, adapt it so that deception points and decoys are introduced prior to important events, which will be subconsciously remembered. Justify deception by saying there must be temptations and trials in order for the prize to be legitimately chosen and won.

Contract prior to incarnation is worded in such a way that you can’t leave unless you accept total responsibility for your actions. In reality, it means that you can’t blame him for anything if you want to be allowed to leave. If you accept responsibility for his actions, however, he will make sure that you are punished for the full extent of his crimes and then you will really not be allowed to leave.

Provide anonymous spiritual answers. Confirm ideas that lead to bondage. Condemn ideas that lead to liberation. Offer spiritual feedback that promotes your goals and gravely harms those who follow it, but provide it in such a way that it can always be dismissed later, as either an illusion or a mistake, and the victim won’t be able to say for sure who or what is the source.

Interpret suicide as rejection of all the positive and spiritually valuable aspects of the incarnation tree that were initially deceptively offered, and as an act of self-destruction, and, as such, hostility to God.

Make preservation of self possible only by spiritually destructive means.

React to attack passively, by barring access to your resources.

This, of course, is not generalized enough; most items on the list are merely variations on some more fundamental rule, but I was afraid that if I wrote the rules in their general form they would be as incomprehensible as mathematical definitions. If I tell you that “something” is a convex hull of three non-collinear points, you will be unlikely to understand that “something” is a triangle. Similarly, it’s difficult for me to describe how deadly some of the basic rules are, if I give their generalized definition.

As a result of those basic rules, Satan doesn’t ever have to even know about you, in order to wreck your entire existence. He made sure he’s never directly and personally involved. He can actually credibly pretend he did it all for the greatest good of all. No evil deed will have his signature; in fact, he makes sure that his victims are actually harmed by his other victims, or that evil can be ascribed to some impersonal factor, like nature or luck or weather or seismicity.

If you suspect him of evil, you will have no evidence and this suspicion will be treated as an evil of slander. If you blame other beings of evil, this will also be treated as a crime, because you don’t have actual positive knowledge of the facts and they can always be interpreted differently (and the reality is that it’s all his fault, but you can’t prove it). If you blame yourself, it’s treated as valid admission of guilt and he will benevolently guide you on the path of redemption, which means you are to be spiritually destroyed by investing energy in his trap and making it stronger, and taking the karmic blame for strengthening the trap.

Satan doesn’t lurk behind every corner, dreaming of ways in which he can destroy the good people and the faithful of God. This entire world is designed to do this for him, without him lifting a finger, and it’s all energetically financed by the victims; it’s a brilliant design, like powering the shield by the energy of the attack.

So, basically, he took care that everything he demonstrably did has a justifiable spiritual explanation. He also took care that he never actually directly does anything condemnable. He also took care that no valid testimony can be made against him for his crimes. He doesn’t even have to be alive in order for his trap to continue working according to his will and intent. It’s probably the most sophisticated piece of astral trickery ever devised, with the most sound, foolproof magical protections ever devised. There is no direct way in which it can be attacked. Any indirect form of attack will bear the full force of all his trickery, deceptions and horrors his trap can provide to the attacker.

His trap is so good because he kept improving it by adding countermeasures to every successful attempt of defeating it. He didn’t initially make it so good; the initial version seems to have had less rules and more flaws, but he kept patching it. Also, the initial version had less energy and was less attractive and obscured the higher spiritual realities less effectively; he progressively incorporated spiritual resources obtained from his victims by means of deception, in order to make it stronger. It got better, but he’s a paranoid bastard, and he was always careful and observed every significant threat with great diligence. He didn’t often intervene personally, but when super-threats such as Buddha or Jesus appeared, he knew his rule-based system isn’t smart enough to defeat them so he intervened personally, at great risk of exposure.

He wasn’t scared without reason, because he’s dead, and has been for some time now. However, he doesn’t need to be alive and present for his trap to continue working as intended; that’s the main problem with it. It’s like the fictional Skynet – its creator doesn’t have to be alive in order for it to keep functioning independently. It can, however, be attacked much more effectively if his strategic mind isn’t here to oversee the form of attacks, because his rule-based system lacks the ability to anticipate threats strategically and pre-empt them before they have fully manifested. You can essentially create non-threatening components of the attack in front of his systems’ eyes and they don’t perceive the threat until it’s too late. It’s like a minefield – it’s deadly, but if its creator isn’t there to protect it with machine-gun fire, it’s much easier to dismantle.

However, the problem with dismantling it is that you have to eat all the landmines. The only way to destroy a component is to be harmed by it against karmic law, and then you get power over it, but then, as it is yours, it becomes your duty to convert it into something pure and good, kalapa by kalapa. This makes it a rather unpleasant problem to solve, and that’s why there’s no abundance of volunteers crazy enough to attempt it. Which, of course, makes my life the awful piece of shit that it is.