About spiritual cargo-cults

I’ve seen a recurring error in some yogic and pseudoyogic groups, which basically sounds like this: spiritual growth means to raise the specific energy of your soul, therefore we’re going to teach people how to “raise their energy level” by feeling some kind of euphoria, reconstructing the feeling of love and elation, and this is going to have permanent beneficial consequences as long as they manage to persistently keep their energy at a high level and avoid the dips into depression that seem to happen invariably, probably due to some karma or another.

The energetic dips are not the result of any kind of problem with the practitioner. They are a perfectly normal result of having spent your energy reserves and having your depleted system function on a lower energetic level. The problem is with this entire approach, which is false, misguided and basically devised by idiots.

Don’t tell me it’s originally devised by Jesus or Yogananda or whomever. I don’t care how famous the idiot was, I just want to tell you he didn’t know shit about how human energy system actually works and what’s the difference between having a subjective perception of high energy, and having your soul built from actually high substances.

I know where the idea came from. When you have a strong spiritual experience, it leaves a residual charge in the lower energetic bodies, spinning them up to the highest capacity they can possibly take, making you feel almost as if you could walk on air and glow in the dark. So of course the first thing the first stupid fool thought of was “oh great, if we could re-create that glowing energetic feeling that accompanied the spiritual experience, maybe we’ll re-create the spiritual experience itself”.

Yeah, maybe we’ll re-create the feeling of flying in a plane by making airplane noises with our mouth and spreading our hands like wings when we run across a meadow like damn fools. That’s how cargo-cults are made. A stupid ape thinks he’ll re-create a thing by re-creating as much of the phenomena that accompanied the thing as possible. It can’t hurt, right? Except it can.

You see, the fact that a plane makes a noise while it flies doesn’t mean that you’ll come close to flying by making noises. You’ll probably just strip your throat raw. The fact that spiritual experiences are accompanied by bliss doesn’t mean that you’ll re-create a spiritual experience by re-creating bliss. You’ll just pump your personal energy into a futile effort, drain your system and cause depression. Read my lips: it doesn’t fucking work.

What those bliss-provoking techniques are trying to do is increase the energy level of the pranic body, and then stimulate the heart center, the anahata cakra, on that high energy octave. The theory is, since the heart center is supposed be very spiritual, this will produce a spiritual experience. The rationale for this is that the heart center is exploding with love and bliss during and immediately after the spiritual experience, so this center must be very spiritual. The problem is, during the spiritual experience your cock also gets hard, or your pussy wet, depending on what you have. It doesn’t mean those parts are abnormally spiritual. It just means they did what they are supposed to do when extreme energy is flowing through them. Everything just lights up, which is what it’s supposed to do when connected to a very powerful energy source. However, the immensely bad state of heroin addicts should suffice to convince you of the futility of the approach of chasing perfection through pleasure. Heroin activates extreme levels of pleasure, and the spiritual result of this is your destruction. Also, raising the energy level of the pranic body isn’t the best idea on how to approach spirituality, because the teenagers bursting with vital energy that forcefully manifests through the heart center and sexuality aren’t really what you would call spiritually inspiring people. More likely, they are very energetic animals, and if anything their increased animal energy stands in the way of actual spirituality, in a way similar to which strong light pointed into your eyes wouldn’t actually help you see better.

If anything, old people seem to have a better connection to spirituality because their vital, animal energy has been depleted, their spiritual connection to the world has weakened, and as a result you can almost feel the otherworldly presence in them, because they are more there than here. It is especially the case immediately before death.

So, essentially, building up the animal energy layer, also known as the pranic layer of the heart center, will in the best case scenario return you to the spiritual state of an infatuated teenager bursting with sexual hormones, and then drop you into depression once your energy has been depleted.

Another flaw of the approach is that it assumes that raising the amount of prana that flows through your system will increase your spiritual level. It won’t. It doesn’t actually influence your soul in any way, it affects only the part between your soul and your body, and it does it in such a way that it actually blinds you spiritually. It’s literally like trying to see better in the dark by pointing a flashlight into your eyes. It’s worse than useless.

If you want to increase your fundamental spiritual level, this is not the way to approach things. You have to approach it directly, on the spirit level, not on the prana level or emotion-level, essentially the lower astral. To put it bluntly, if you want to get your cock hard, the best approach is to talk to the woman you really like. You don’t approach things from your cock, you approach them from your head. If your head is in the right place your cock will know what to do without any assistance from you. Conversely, for women the right way to get your pussy wet is to see the right man. There’s absolutely nothing on the pussy-level that you need to do.

It’s about spirit. It needs to be in touch with God, and then the energy will normally flow through the right places. Your head needs to be in the right place. You don’t approach it from your genitals or from your heart; those things are secondary organs, that manifest the spirit when it’s in the right place, but the only thing you will get by trying to stimulate the lower centers such as the heart, is spiritual emptiness and depression. It’s actually worse than masturbation, because masturbation at least works, and this doesn’t. This is more like an addiction to destructive drugs – same concept, but less effective at inducing a temporary high. It’s about as spiritual as injecting yourself with heroin.

I don’t know if you can believe it, but I actually prefer having my pranic levels on a low baseline when I try to see extremely high and sophisticated things, at the utmost limits of my capacity. A heightened pranic or emotional level is merely a distraction, it doesn’t mean a high spiritual level, it means a high level of physical interference and noise and it just gets in the way, like strong noise or light, or like sexual arousal would get in the way if you were trying to understand how quarks change colors. “High” is not a universal metric; strong emotions and strong mind are independent and usually mutually exclusive things. The same goes for animal vitality and spirituality; they just don’t go well together. There’s an exception, though – an orgasm can be accompanied by a very deep spiritual surge in the right circumstances, because it’s more about discharging the vital energy than accumulating it, and it’s more about peace than excitement.

So, instead of trying to go “high”, try going deep, into calm and depth and clarity, and just feel the deepest aspects of God without trying to masturbate the lower energies into reproducing anything, because this entire approach is so fucking useless.