
I frequently see Western press qualify the war in Ukraine as Russian aggression, where Ukraine is seen as the “good guys” based solely on the premise that the war is waged on their territory which they are defending.

Strangely, I would have normally accepted such a premise without much discussion, because in the assumption that one side is peaceful and the other side invades it, the invader is the bad guy. However, in the case of Ukraine, you need to have a really short memory and attention span for that to make any kind of sense.

Let’s see what the territory actually is, historically. The entire war is waged deeply within the confines of the Russian empire. Also, the entire war is waged deeply within the confines of the Soviet Union. The war is waged by NATO forces against the forces of the Russian federation, at the territory that was formerly Soviet Union. By those standards, this is a military and political aggression of the West against Russia, waged by hybrid information/political/military means, at the territory that is historically Russian. Suddenly, the term “aggression” changes direction.

“But wait”, you will say, “Ukraine is a sovereign and independent state”. No, it isn’t. First of all, validity of its statehood is questionable since it was declared contrary to the wishes of the people declared on the 1991 referendum. 71.4% voted to remain in the union with Russia. Let’s compare this to the results of Slovenian and Croatian referendums for independence from Yugoslavia, where over 90% voted for independence. There is an obvious difference, and therein lies my first objection to Ukrainian statehood – it is illegitimate, declared against the wishes of the people by a nationalist political clique with their own agenda. My second objection is that the Maidan coup in 2014 basically ended the existence of Ukraine as a political entity with any kind of legitimacy. Since then, it has been a fascist shithole under complete American control, with North Korea-like brainwashing of the populace, teaching children to hate the Russians, and so on. Furthermore, the part of the populace that declares as Russian (which is over 50% of the people on the post-Soviet borders of Ukraine, which is why pro-Russian politicians almost always won the elections, and which is why the Americans decided to finance the insurrection to overthrow the legitimate government) was openly persecuted after that point.

A more legitimate interpretation of the war is that the Soviet Union dissolved due to various economic and political reasons we won’t go into at this point, and the vacuum was filled by nationalists who promised the people all kinds of unrealistic and illusory ideas, such as being part of the “West” and going away from those primitive Easterners and so on. Since the Ukrainian economy was completely integrated with the Soviet Union, any degree of separation from Russia resulted in serious degradation, and any attempt of joining the West always resulted in fraudulent and corruptive activities between the Ukrainian oligarchs and the Western intelligence services and the “NGOs” that work for them. As things got worse, the politicians found it expedient to always blame the Russians. As the Russians themselves, under Putin’s expert leadership, got to the other side of the 1990s nightmare, and rebuilt their economy and country in general, Ukraine languished under Western-sponsored corruption and thievery, where the oligarchs nominated the politicians to serve as their sock puppets, and the West called that “democracy”, the only required quality of that being subservience to America and hostility to Russia. After 2014, when Ukraine basically dissolved as a state, Crimea and Donbass having declared independence and desire to join Russia, the Kiev junta started openly killing Russians; there were over ten thousand dead over the years just in Donbass. Also, the Americans used the failed-state status of Ukraine to install all kinds of nefarious shit there, such as biolabs researching covid-like bioweapons based on SARS-type of coronaviruses and what not, trying to figure out how to preferentially kill Russians and use birds or similar natural contagion vectors to spread it into Russia. Basically, they tried to figure out how to exterminate the Russians while being safe from their nuclear retaliatory strike. At some point, the Russians had enough of this, and decided that limited open war is preferable. If the Americans continue on their present course, the Russians will decide that unlimited war is preferable.

So, basically, it’s a much more complex situation than “the Russians are invading Ukraine”, since the entire war is waged on Russian historical territory that has been, mostly fraudulently, converted into hostile political entities in the 1990s, and weaponized against Russia by a hostile military alliance of NATO to the point of representing a direct military threat to Russia. Also, the majority of the people of Ukraine consistently voted for the governments that would keep the relationship with Russia friendly, which lasted until the Americans simply created an astroturf coup and took the country over by installing their proxies, who turned out to be Nazis. I’m not calling them “neo-Nazis”, because that would be wrong. They are old-school Nazis, because they are organized in units Hitler would recognize as his own, and if alive, he would issue them orders which would have been obeyed. This is devoid of any kind of political legitimacy and represents an obvious element of evil and chaos, and if not for the risk of open confrontation with America, the Russians would probably have taken over in 2014 and would have been perfectly justified in doing so, since this is an open revision of the outcome of the second world war.

So, having in mind the actual situation on the ground, thisĀ is in fact an aggression, by America and NATO, upon historical Russia, waged on the territory of the former Soviet Union, with the goal of spreading American total dominance by nefarious means of false propaganda and corruption, and eventually kinetic warfare by using Nazis as a proxy.