Analysis of the economy

The auto-selling scripts are intervening into the gold market by selling lots of paper gold above $1400 in order to stabilize the price.

This has been set up in advance, apparently, and I think it’s the last-ditch effort to control the hyperinflation. Also, Trump’s anti-crypto message might precede concrete actions to completely outlaw the crypto market in order to block the rats leaving the sinking USD ship. Both things seem to be related. When convertibility of crypto into USD is blocked, the value of crypto, for all intents and purposes, measurable in real world money, will be zero, because it will literally not be convertible into money.

When the water breaks through the dam, my guess is they will try to blame it on Russia and China doing some cyber attack or other fabricated bullshit, and then they’ll start a total war. It will be “use it or lose it” scenario, because when the dollar and Euro collapse, they will no longer be able to fund their military under a “business as usual” scenario. I simply can’t envision a scenario where America just lets that happen and peacefully endures their version of the collapse of the Soviet Union, especially since they’ve been deploying all kinds of preparations for exactly this scenario for quite some years.