COVID measures

The governments can’t seem to make up their minds on whether the vaccines are the ultimate solution, and everybody should get them, or they are completely worthless and everybody should keep wearing masks regardless of the vaccination status.

Also, it is quite annoying that they keep attacking people who decided not to get vaccinated, as if they are putting others (the vaccinated ones) in danger. That’s abject nonsense. If someone is more afraid of COVID than he is of the vaccine side effects (which are a serious problem since the manufacturers basically say they can’t take any responsibility for anything once you take them), go get vaccinated, but don’t botherĀ me with your fears and force me to wear a mask or tolerate stupid measures. Get vaccinated and stop riding my nuts. I had COVID with the worst symptoms, andĀ I think I had the mild version a year later (I never got tested because all the tests are fake). I got my immunity the hard way and I’m still missing parts of my lung capacity as evidence. I don’t care for the vaccine, because if my immunity didn’t produce antibodies the natural way, I certainly don’t trust the vaccine to do jack shit. Also, the virus is not the problem, the excessive immune response is. People who have COVID should be treated with something that reduces the excessive immune response, and the vaccine that just jacks up the immune system isn’t the right approach, from what I can tell.

Also, I am annoyed by the people who throw the word “science” around, in a sense where “science” is some kind of a dogma proclaimed by the scientists, which should be accepted unquestioningly or you’re basically at war with reason, truth and virtue. As far as I can recall, science is a method of discarding obviously false claims based on evidence, and of treating the claims that can’t be easily disproved with skepticism and conditional acceptance until something better comes along, as it invariably does. Also, there is no such thing as “scientific consensus”. That’s another term for “religious dogma”. Scientific consensus is that all claims are only conditionally accepted if they can’t be immediately rejected, and they are continuously tested with hope of falsifying them. If you don’t understand this, you don’t know jack shit about science and your education, whatever it was, was a regrettable waste of time and money.

Also to be noted, science works best when you personally practice the scientific method. The further you are removed from that, the less it has to do with science.