Frequently thought questions

Wait a minute, if you say you are the same now as you were at the time of birth, that your essential consciousness is the same, what about the practice of yoga? Didn’t it change anything?”

Of course it changed things. I learned that things, that previously appeared to be merely states of consciousness, are in fact planes of reality. I carved pathways within my physical brain that allow me to do things that are so far out of ordinary human experience, I am loath to even discuss them outside the circle of trained initiates who are able to verify or falsify my claims. But the thing is, higher initiation didn’t feel like expansion, it felt like removing limitations. So, basically, the advanced practice of yoga, and things that I do in the last two decades, that are not really yoga, but rather wielding of spiritual power, had the effect of enabling me to do some things, while incarnated, that I would much more easily and naturally do while discarnated. Essentially, it allowed me to get around some of the bodily limitations. This means that it didn’t produce spiritual evolution or expansion, but rather that it neutralized some of the zombifying effects of physical incarnation. Essentially, yoga is less effective than death for removing corporal limitations, but has that convenient peculiarity of not having to die in order not to be completely useless. Yes, I still see my physical incarnation as a stupid hairy ape-like creature that is the cause of all my problems, but unlike before, I now have a certain degree of control, awareness and knowledge. The ape-like thing causes inevitable mistakes in everything I do, which is humiliating in a way, but I try to keep it on a short leash.

You are often saying that you have to suffer in order to spend or transform evil global structures. Isn’t up-stream kriya of Kundalini-yoga supposed to do that?”

Well, no. What kriya does is destabilize your energy system in order to make it fluid, and remove resistance. It also creates a strong upward flow of energy which is a close relative of orgasm. In regard to transforming, breaking down and spending energy blockages, larvae and, in lack of a better word, accumulations of past sins, what kriya actually does is allow you to detach from a structure, guide energy towards it in order to dissolve it, and when it releases the traumatic content, it allows you to mitigate the trauma. You still experience suffering, but you are in a state of surrender to God while you are suffering, so to speak, and this makes it possible for you not to simply close the damn thing off in another larva, but to deal with it permanently. Once you’ve faced the traumatic emotions, they lost their harmfulness and you can deal with them as you would deal with anything. So basically, it’s the suffering that spends bad karma in any case. Everything else is there just to make it easier to bear. If you’re not suffering under the onslaught of traumatic emotions, you’re not really spending anything, by definition. I recently used a comparison with brakes on a car. What they do is equivalent to suffering: they take the kinetic energy of the vehicle and spend it by taking it onto themselves, by transforming it into heat. The molecules of the material of the brakes are accelerated by the transfer, and then this heat slowly dissipates into the environment. Similarly, any transfer of karma disturbs your spiritual body on the kalapa-level, changing its specific energy. With a combination of suffering and surrender, in other words detachment, you absorb the energy of the impact, integrate the additional karmic mass into your own on a kalapa-level, and raise the energy of the resulting mass onto your previous energy level. If you’re not a high initiate, meaning if your spiritual body isn’t made of vajra, or to be technical, if it is not made of a substance that is qualitatively higher than the substance you are absorbing, the process will actually change your soul-structure in such a way that your entire motivational structure might change. The additional karmic mass might end up transforming you, and not the other way around. You need to be made of higher quality stuff, so to say; so, the karmic transfers are a different order of magnitude of a problem compared to dealing with your own personal issues. If you’re very strong, you can do small things without any apparent effort, like Earth absorbing space dust in form of small meteors. It just makes a passing glow and then it’s absorbed into Earth’s mass. However, something big can make quite a mess, and can take some doing to recover from. Since my official job title seems to be “garbage reclamation unit”, I’m basically very close to 100% of the maximum load that I can sustainably take. It’s not enough to wreck me, but it’s enough to seriously ruin my day. Sometimes the load exceeds 100%, which means that it would cause serious damage if it were kept on that level. Sometimes it falls under 80%, and then I feel great and recover quickly. I can’t really remember it going under that level, though.

Can’t someone help you?”

You need to understand that the requirements for this shit are rather high, so high that in order to be able to do any kind of a karmic transfer, of any quantity, you need to be a high initiate and a decently skilled yogi. Not many people throughout history have been able to do it. I’ve seen high initiates who are decently skilled yoginis start the process of breaking apart and dying because they carelessly “looked” at what I was spending when I was spending something particularly nasty, and a few tiny specks of that attached to them. The result was devastating, because not only were they not able to absorb and transform it, their efforts had no influence whatsoever on it, and the stuff simply kept shredding them. I fixed the damage simply by paying attention, spending those stray specks in a second, restored their lower bodies from their core karmic template, and proceeded to feel like shit under 110% load. No, nobody can help me, because I’m uniquely powerful and skilled, and the second most powerful person ever to have lived would be merely a helpless victim whom I’d have to patch up. But I can be helped in other ways, that’s true. The entire logistics of my effort are made possible through others’ help. I’m not doing this alone. In fact, one of the “hacks” that makes the entire thing possible is that others willingly assist me in every way possible while I personally am under “attack”, because there are “immune responses” that were set against me and would have blocked my effort years ago had there been no help from others. So, nobody can help me with my part, but my part is only a piece in a wider puzzle, and without the other parts, it alone wouldn’t do much.