Geopolitical scenery

America and the UK are quite hysterically trying to start a war with Russia, and not just any kind of war, but an indirect one where the Ukrainians will die, and they will sell weapons. I was thinking about reasons for that, and they seem to be multiple and layered.

The first is that a war would help their economies, which are beyond the brink of collapse, and are artificially made to look like they are functioning due to enormous amounts of money printing. Basically, the only companies that are actually functioning there are Amazon, Apple, Google, Netflix, Microsoft, Tesla and similar tech giants. Amazon is making good money due to covid restrictions, because people are ordering things online, but this is at the expense of brick and mortar stores, and I would say that it is producing a net loss for the economy in general. Apple is profiting from Intel and AMD being stuck with inefficient x86 technology, and from their own investment in ARM instruction set SOC. Google is an advertisement-powered censorship engine, basically working on directing society into questionable directions and financing it by getting people to buy stuff. Netflix is a leftist propaganda platform that tries to mask their actual product as entertainment. Microsoft is selling mostly their hosting services that compete with Amazon AWS, and Tesla is transitioning from selling mostly bullshit to selling mostly cars, although with half a steering wheel (because they apparently don’t have winding mountain roads in America) and no gear shifter, because the car “knows better” whether you want to go forward or back at a parking lot. I couldn’t make this shit up. In any case, their stock market consists of those few big names, that sell mostly entertainment and ads, and an army of the walking dead. The entire thing is starting to unravel, and America desperately needs a distraction that will then be blamed for all the problems, like covid was released/exploited to wind down the overheated economy gradually and reduce the intensity of the inevitable crash.

Also, America wants to prevent Europe from becoming their competition by forming useful bilateral economic ties with China and Russia, and keep it in a position of a vassal entity that will be dependent on buying overpriced American garbage, such as the “freedom gas” and iPhones. Having the EU not use the available Nord Stream pipeline with Russia, convincing EU to “have the free market lower the gas prices” and “not sign long term gas supply contracts with Russia to keep Russia on its toes” had the result of keeping Europe starved for energy during winter, and increasing the gas prices due to market speculation and artificially restricted supply. Also, if the Ukrainian pipeline “just happened” to stop working due to war with Russia, that would be a real shame because then the EU would have no choice but to buy “freedom gas”. Of course, the Ukrainians would freeze and starve in that case, but they are seen as more trouble than they are worth anyway; the country itself was sucked dry already and both EU and America would have to actually start to invest resources in it to keep it viable, and will serve nicely as cannon fodder in a nice little war that will both hamper Russia’s economic development, kill Russians at both sides of the front line, and line pockets of American and UK companies with money.

This wonderful plan is not really working because Russia is somehow too stupid to fall into this trap despite all the wonderful things it has to gain from it, such as millions of impoverished dependent people to suck its resources dry, neglected and devastated infrastructure that would have to be rebuilt, and population whose significant portion is indoctrinated to hate them. Instead, the stupid Russians, who failed to get the hint that they are supposed to be invading Ukraine, are turning to China to sign economic, political and military deals, and made a joint statement which can be summed up to a joint Russian-Chinese middle finger to the collective West – “screw you, we are carving our own path together and leaving you behind, because we’re done with your shit”.

The funniest thing is that America and the UK recently demonstrated complete inability to think strategically, by screwing France over with that AUKUS submarine deal with Australia, and thought they could just assume complete NATO unity over Russia a month later; France decided it’s payback time, so Macron went to Russia, and made a joint statement with Putin which basically completely backs Russian position regarding Ukraine – it can’t join NATO because it has a state policy of “returning” Crimea by military means and tries to get NATO to be their little bitch and fight their war for them, so France basically said “no submarine deal, no war with Russia, because we’re done being abused and exploited by America and their dickless lap dog”. I wonder how the CIA-controlled Western media are going to spin this, but it might be insane enough to be entertaining. I somehow doubt it; it’s usually just depressing.

Most other EU countries aren’t that interested in fighting Russia for the sake of the incredibly corrupt and nasty Ukrainians, either, despite American pressure, so all the talk about NATO unity basically serves to hide the fact that there isn’t any. Most Eastern European countries joined NATO because they saw it as a way of “making progress” by going in a generally westward direction, at the point where Russia didn’t look like any kind of a strategic enemy anymore, so the idea of a new cold war (that actually looks like it’s about to turn hot) is very far from what they think they subscribed to.

Furthermore, Russia not only refused to play a role in the American script, but turned the table and issued a “non-ultimatum” which basically tells the Americans to remove their shit from the Russian borders and back to the pre-1997 positions, or things will take a non-diplomatic turn, which is so far from America’s ability to comprehend that they kept talking about Ukraine as if anybody in Russia gives a damn. The Russians actually made it quite clear that it’s America they have a problem with, not their vassal states and “alliances”, and now that the Americans rejected this “non-ultimatum”, it remains to be seen what Russia will do. One thing is certain: France will sit this one out, and judging by the wide-eyed terror displayed by most of NATO countries, America and the UK will be on their own against Russia and China, and absolutely nobody will be there to help them, while France will make lucrative military and economic deals with the Russia-China alliance, soon to be joined by other major world countries.