How to not get fucked

A question that invariably crops up as I talk about deception attacks by Satan and demons is “how to defend oneself”.

Since I do not wish to write a whole book about astral self-defence, I will summarise things.

First, there is no substitute for discrimination. If you are unable to discern between phenomena, you are doomed. If you are unable to discern between Satan looking like Jesus, and God looking like Jesus, you are fucked and neither God nor guru can help you, because whatever anyone tells you, you will understand it wrongly and get fucked.

Second, sin is deadly. Do not commit offences against your enemies, because that makes you vulnerable, because to sin against someone is to give yourself as a gift in retribution. Always stay within the confines of justice and righteousness. Only if you are firmly anchored in God and you for all intents and purposes are God, you can violate this rule, because when God attacks evil things, this is not a violation of the karmic law, but affirmation thereof.

Third, opening up towards others is a bad idea. You need to be open towards God; with everything else, you need to be reserved and level-headed. Accept neither criticism nor acclaim. How important is this? Let’s say that some of the most effective attacks Satan deployed against my former students were along the line of ridiculing them for being someone’s students, “belonging to a cult” and “not thinking with their own head”. Since they implicitly assumed that they must remain open to others, not be “fanatical” about anything, they automatically started behaving in ways that will deflect and disarm such criticism (which implies that the criticism is valid) and they gradually all fell off and usually committed serious karmic offences along the way. A smart person armed with discrimination would answer such criticism by simply conceding – yes, I’m devoted to God and the guru, I’m a yogi, that’s all that I care about, thanks for your concern but fuck off now, I need to pray, serve and obey.

Satan uses the same attack vector against everybody – accuses religious people of being God’s sheep and not thinking with their own heads, accuses women of being submissive to men and not “emancipated”, praises people for doing things that will destroy their lives, encourages men to be “alpha” and not follow anyone and so on. The attack targets the ego that is inherently insecure and in need of support from others. This needs to be recognized and you need to understand that only God matters, and the only confirmation you need is being with God. Without that, nothing matters; with that, nothing matters. With God, if you need to lead others, it will be God leading them and you serving. With God, if you follow, you will follow only God because other things will be abominable. In both cases God leads, you follow, and the result is salvation and happiness. Without God, you are lost, you fumble around, and eventually are doomed. Avoid this entire branch of the tree of life lest thou be thoroughly fucked.

Every kind of accepting things from enemies is harmful. Every kind of opening up towards enemies in order to prove something is harmful. What you need to do is focus on God and do your sadhana. What is bad but unavoidable, surrender to God to transform. Every spiritual authority other than God and your guru is irrelevant and possibly influenced by the enemy, and is to be ignored. Every scripture other than what your guru told you to learn is irrelevant and a possible distraction by the enemy. The primary mode of learning should be absorption of properties of God into self in a state of darshana. Everything else is merely a crutch whose purpose is to get you there. Everything that distracts you from that is to be avoided and ignored. Only when you have achieved proper initiation should you focus on learning how to do things in the world, but this time maintaining proper focus on God. Focusing on things of the world without your consciousness firmly anchored in God is a sure way to get fucked. Avoid sharing your opinions about spiritual things with others unless you are so entrenched in God that your opinions are shastra.