Just a reminder

Andrew Tate and his brother are still in prison. The allegations against them are obviously false and their only purpose is to destroy their reputation. How do I know? I’ve seen videos by several women who are supposed to be the “victims”, who are trying to submit statements that they areĀ not victims and there in fact was no crime committed whatsoever. The legal system simply refused to accept their statements, and I think even their videos where they are trying to be heard and defend their friends are being suppressed by the American-controlled censorship machine. This makes it obvious that there’s nothing to the allegations, it’s all falsehood.

Still, those men are still in prison, like Julian Assange.

Their imprisonment, however, is only a degree worse than ours. We are all on enemy-controlled territory. The “laws” are just a fig leaf over the truth of brute force and evil. Only God can save us.