Kundalini, hazards and safeguards

I guess I should say more about things that make people go crazy in the context of Kundalini work and spirituality, since I already mentioned it in passing. Also, the stuff that is protective against that might be useful so I’ll mention that, too.

So, the stuff that’s closely related with what one could be called Kundalini psychosis:

  • Entitlement. If you think you have rights, you’re fucked, because the first thing you do when things get unpleasant, and they invariably do, is to feel victimized and whine. This essentially collapses your energy system and you get caught up in a vicious circle of hurt-whine. Immature whiners with rights are a very nasty sight in the context of Kundalini.

  • Egomania. In this context it’s usually spiritual egomania, sounding very much like advaita-vedanta, and it sounds either like “I am God, I am the Divine Self, there is no higher authority above me, I’m on top of the world”, or, in milder cases, “I don’t need to respect anyone because you are all just persons, and I bow only before the Self”. Tough shit, because in advaita-vedanta brahman is the Self in all beings, regardless of their enlightenment, and a true jñani of vedanta bows before all. The difference between jñana and egomania is that a jñani, who sees one atman in all beings, bows before all beings, and an egomaniac wants all beings to bow before him because he fails to understand the true nature of atman. Egomania is actually a symptom of a wrecked vertical and usually accompanies serious energetic starvation; it doesn’t mean Kundalini is rampant, it means Kundalini is blocked, or at least constrained at some level.

  • Feeling of invulnerability. This was the bane of my failed students. They learned powerful techniques of cleansing astral and pranic bodies, and felt as if all their actions are reversible; they could experiment with anything and simply use kriya to remove the adverse consequences. The problem is, they didn’t understand how kriya works, and why I, who taught them, am so careful about avoiding sinful activities. You see, sinful deeds have two main consequences: they mess up your energy system and they restructure your karmic body, because you made a choice of a certain kind and you literally became the person who made that choice. The first part can be cleansed and repaired trivially with my technique. The second part, not so much. In order to fix damage to your spiritual makeup inflicted by sinful deeds, you need to recant, you need to “undo” the choice, make another, different choice, and make amends. Unfortunately, once people start feeling invulnerable, they get addicted to the feeling of power, and then → egomania and → fail. When people talk about the dangers of Kundalini this aspect is almost never mentioned; usually people talk about overheating, too much energy coursing through the chakras and nadis, things breaking and blah, but in my experience, the worst danger comes not from improper handling of Kundalini and the physical damage to mind and body, but from the feeling of invulnerability and invincibility because the techniques you learned work exceptionally well, and you think you can fix anything, you are up to any challenge, God loves you and wouldn’t allow you to fail, you will always be protected and safe, and you can experiment with all sorts of shit, cast morality aside, treat the world and beings in it as if they are your playground and toys, and it’s all about you. This is a major hazard and a point of failure. No, the technique is not omnipotent, and no, you are not safe. You are vulnerable, you are at risk, and God will not save you if you make choices that reject him.

And now let’s talk about the protective things, things that keep you safe:

  • Faith. You need to understand that your life is not under your control. You were born here with suppressed memories, suppressed powers and in a situation you have no control of. Your true nature is not known to you, but it is known to God. God knows who you truly are, and knows what you truly need for your greatest good. The only way for you to not end up wrecked is to put your faith in God and to listen, cooperate and obey. Which brings us to…

  • Obedience. If you want to learn how to be God, first learn how to kneel before God, and pray. In your faith, be obedient, be diligent, be mindful of your duties and don’t ever do anything that would desecrate things that are holy. The only way to achieve true power is to allow the flow of power through your being, and that is achieved through faith, obedience and

  • Love. However, love without clarity is blinding and dangerous, because it is vulnerable to illusions. So through faith and obedience you absorb insight and knowledge from God, and you are mindful of your situation, you are mindful to the reality of the world and this manifests as the greatest benefit to your surroundings, whatever that may look like. But in order to correctly balance your actions you need

  • Surrender. Sometimes God will decide to do things you don’t understand, and for reasons you cannot see. You need to accept that you are in a valley and your horizon is limited. Since you don’t know what’s truly going on, you need to accept the fact that God knows more than you do, he can do better, and in order for you to learn better you need to surrender to his guidance and simply be aware and awake to what’s going on, without passing judgements. This means

  • Detachment. It doesn’t mean giving zero fucks, it means caring deeply, but not binding yourself to interpretations of what’s going on, and being in a position of learning, not judging. Thinking you understand what’s going on is a form of attachment. The proper attitude is to take in what’s going on in all of its aspects, but not pass judgement. Rather, allow the truth to come to you gradually. To be detached is to be receptive, and not to close oneself off in the conceit of assumption. It is the position of a true scientist, who mindfully observes, but never passes definite judgement. However, you need

  • Responsibility. When you decide to do something, be aware of what you decided. Don’t feel victimized by your choices, and don’t be remorseful. If you did something right, nod and proceed. If you did something wrong, figure out what was the nature of the mistake, understand it fully, then correct it and proceed wiser for the experience. Agonizing over failure is useless and creates an energetic state that tends to perpetuate errors. Instead, you need to be not nonchalant, but relaxed about your fallibility. Yes, you will make mistakes. It’s the part of the process of figuring things out. It’s important to figure out what was wrong, and to fix it. If you can’t fix it, do better next time, wiser for the experience; pay it forward. The best approach to mistakes is not to get crippled by them, but to be enriched and wisened by them. When you make mistakes, think of yourself not as a sinner, but as a Jedi Padawan in training. Yes, you can make mistakes. You can make a wrong call. You can be deluded, you can be deceived, you can be led astray, but you are still powerful, worthy, good and with a great destiny ahead of you if you keep learning from your mistakes.

  • Trust your instincts. As you get wiser, your instincts get better. Initially, they are shit, but later on, they become close to infallible. Initially, you need to suppress all negativity, because it is bound with ignorance and contaminated by low-energy structures within your energetic bodies. However, as you progress on the path of spiritual evolution and purification, you need to trust your anger, trust your hatred, trust your cynicism, and you must trust your love, desire and compassion. As you incorporate aspects of God into your being, you must learn to trust them. This is a difficult lesson for people to learn, because initially they learn to doubt themselves and their instincts and desires, and to trust only God, but as things progress, God gets closer and closer, and difference between what you feel and what God feels is vague. Opposite of egomania, this is the state of sublimation of ego, of its perfect attunement to God, in will, character and essence. As much as it is dangerous for a beginner to trust his instincts, because his instincts are filth, it is even more dangerous for an advanced yogi not to trust his instincts, because they become the will of God.

  • Renounce self. This means also renouncing self-criticism, self-doubt, and self-control. After you’ve been kneeling before God for years, being an obedient servant, being mindful and listening to His will for so long, you need to renounce the last vestiges of self that define you as non-God. As you completely renounce yourself and your identity as a limited being, you understand your nature as that of a limited vehicle for God. This is a humbling and transformational event, after which you see it as your duty to keep refining the vehicle you inhabit in order to be able to use it for the greatest possible good.

So, basically, when a beginner-yogi thinks he’s God, he’s deluded and has a serious problem, but he likes the idea a lot and it makes him feel powerful. When an advanced yogi thinks he’s not God, he’s deluded and has a serious problem, but he likes the idea a lot and it makes him feel powerful.
