Positive language

I’m watching this:

… and I’m thinking, the Americans are always “leading”, they are “making progress”, and they are never having problems, they are having “challenges”, which is what one does if he’s in a dominant position; there are things challenging his dominance and “leadership”.

They never fail, they never lose, they never fuck up. There are no negative things out there, just “challenges” that will be “overcome” as “progress” is made in the course of their “leadership”.

What an incredibly arrogant and stupid people they are.

How does one know whether he’s been making progress or not before the war is actually over and one can retrospect? Why do you say problems are “challenges”, as if they are communicating personally with you? Is the fact that you will die if you jump off a tall building a “challenge”, or is it better to say it’s a limitation you need to work with? If it’s a challenge, it means you need to overcome it, but that’s a very dangerous position to have in politics; for instance, you can see a powerful sovereign country like Russia or China as a challenge, which will lead you into a mutually destructive conflict, or you can see it simply as a state of things – you have interests and goals, others do as well, and now you need to negotiate with them, haggle, make deals, cooperate in mutually beneficial ways. If others having any power is a “challenge”, what does that mean, that you have to work on making everybody else into a powerless slave before you’re happy, and you’ll see every instance of freedom, sovereignty and independence of others as a threat, a “challenge”, until you are universally seen as such a menace to others, they will join forces against you and destroy you like a mad dog that you are?

I knew a person who always stated he’s making progress, every day; always positive stuff going on, always learning new lessons, and some other bullshit. An unbiased bystander would see him and conclude he’s completely deluded, because his situation was stagnant at best and degrading desperately at worst, and there wasn’t a single positive thing about it whatsoever, and that was mostly because of his insistence that everything negative is actually positive. Sometimes progress is possible only after you admit you have failed – you did everything wrong, you deluded yourself and you are now facing a disaster, and it’s not that all the bad things necessarily happen for the best, they can happen because you’re a damn fool who made all the wrong calls, persisted on a wrong path and is now facing utter ruin in all respects. That’s the point where you can possibly save yourself if you repent, if you admit failure, and concede defeat, so that you can learn what you did wrong, and do better. If you claim you’re winning and making progress while you’re on a path towards your ruin, and you provoke other powers in their back yard, claiming you’re “challenging their excessive claims” and “answering their challenges”, all this “positivity” will increase the chances of your country becoming a glass parking lot.

America is an incredible country – founded on the principles of arrogance and Satanism, but thinking they are God’s chosen people for some reason. Even their most common variety of Christianity is based on shallow and selective thinking, and incredible self-serving arrogance.