Pot calling the kettle black

I cannot believe that the main stream media, CNN, MSNBC and others, who have been manufacturing lies and propaganda continuously for the last several years, have the nerve to call out “fake news” sites. And no, they’re not targeting The Onion, they are targeting Breitbart and Alex Jones, who’ve been the only trustworthy sources of information so far – they’ve been spot on in both their facts and their analysis thereof.

And they are calling out RT, which is the most trustworthy source of information on everything regarding world politics, because everybody else is controlled by America and writes propaganda.

I can’t be the only one who’s pissed off at that, so I expect two things will happen. The assholes who control the media will introduce some sort of dictatorial censorship laws and try to suppress the actual news sources. And then I expect them to lose the elections to the “extreme right”. And then all sorts of shit will hit the fan.

Just to make it clear, I’m disgusted by RT’s attempts to implement the official Russian policy of appeasing Islam, I’m disgusted by their open praise of Fidel Castro, who is one of the greatest political idiots of the 20th century, and had his mother aborted him it would be the greatest day in the history of his country and they wouldn’t even know it. I am also annoyed by Alex Jones frequently going off on a tangent, raving about some crazy bullshit, and advertising his nutra supplements. Yeah. The problem is, CNN, BBC, MSNBC and others are completely unwatchable due to propaganda. They are not news sites, they are enemies of truth, freedom and justice.