Praise of victim blaming

When someone drives 250 km/h on a wet highway, loses control and gets killed, he’s the victim of the whole situation, but it’s all his fault. He’s the only one to blame.

When someone invests his life savings in volatile, high-risk stock, and gets wiped out, he’s the victim, but he’s also the one to blame.

When someone builds his home on a potential mudslide area, or by a volcano, or on a tectonically active area, or in a potential flood zone, and the event he was betting against takes place and his property gets wiped out, he’s definitely the victim, but he’s also the one to blame, because he played a game with high stakes, he knew what he was getting himself into, and he lost.

When someone makes a life choice to sell his house, gamble and drink away the money, and ends up on the street, he’s the victim, but he’s the kind of victim you show your children and tell them not to be like that guy, because that guy caused his own misfortune.

Sure, there are situations where someone gets hit by a random event that wipes him out, like the Spanish influenza or a world war or a stock market crash or something else that adversely affects him despite all the valid precautions he had taken. In those situations, victims deserve compassion and help. However, victims are often to blame. More often than not, to be a victim means you played a game with high stakes and lost. More often than not, being a victim means you’re a loser and an idiot. You don’t deserve compassion, you deserve ridicule. That’s how we get social pressure that discourages people from doing stupid shit, and encourages rationality, caution and long-term, low-risk behavior.

Why, then, is the term “victim blaming” a thing? It is supposed to be automatic discreditation of the one who engages in the practice, because, somehow, the victims are automatically amnestied of all fault. They are the unblemished lambs of God, pure of all sin. If you’re a victim, you not only deserve compassion, you are somehow elevated in social status to the point of untouchable virtuous elite, that has the high moral ground and is entitled to demand change in society.

There’s that recent thing about sexual abuse in Hollywood. Here’s my take on this.

There are women who are desperate to make it in the movie industry. They would do anything to be noticed by the powerful people, and so they try to attend the right parties, hysterically laugh at the not-so-funny jokes in order to get noticed, they try to suck up in order to be liked, they mingle with the “right crowd”, and more often than not they sleep around with everyone whom they see as a stepping stone in their career. They are, essentially, sluts and whores who would fuck anyone if that would get them a role in some movie. Those sluts and whores have an additional effect of getting the powerful people used to being constantly assailed by people who offer them all kinds of sex, and soon they basically expect everyone to act like that, and, occasionally, they encounter someone who doesn’t function like that and then you end up with something that gets interpreted as sexual abuse. When 99% of the people you encounter will suck your cock as soon as you drop your pants with little or no invitation, you get used to dropping your pants on a whim and getting your cock sucked by someone who considers herself lucky for the opportunity. Sure, every now and then you have an awkward situation where  you drop your pants in front of someone normal and she runs away screaming, but the craziest thing is, when a guy like that ends up accused of sexual molestation (usually with full justification), all the sluts and whores who were standing in line for a chance to suck him dry while powdering their noses with his cocaine are now raising their voices to say “me to”, meaning they want to present themselves as victims, in order to get the societal compassion points and elevate themselves from the status of cheap trash to the status of pure, blameless victims.

Victims are often to blame. Sometimes, they are not only to blame, they also deserve condemnation. Sometimes, victims are trash. And sometimes they actually go out of their way looking for trouble.

Some time ago I read an article about a woman in South Africa who accepted a guy’s invitation to shower with him, “because water in her shower was cold”. And so, she got naked with him, in the hotel shower, presumably rubbing her wet soapy body against his “by accident”, and when he proceeded to fuck her, she took pictures of her crying face in the shower pretending to be a broken-hearted rape victim.

Nowadays it’s modern to say that “no means no”, where a verbal “no” supposedly outweighs every amount of non-verbal signaling. It doesn’t matter what you wear, what you do and what situations you get yourself into, if you say “no” and someone fucks you, it’s rape.

Let me tell you something. If a guy says he’s a saint, and he fucks whores, steals money and eats drugs like candy, what says more, his actions or his words? Oh really, his actions are more important?

Another example. A politician wants to be elected into office. He says all the stuff that’s expected from politicians. Then, however, it turns out that he embezzled money, and spent it with a mistress cheating on his wife. What’s more important, the facts that turned out, or his generic words?

Oh really, actions and facts are more important than words?

And we are supposed to believe that a woman’s “no” is more important than the fact that she’s sending very clear nonverbal “yes” signals, such as rubbing her soapy naked butt against a guy’s dick in a hotel shower?

Nonverbal signals are important. When you see guys dressed like firemen on a fire truck, you assume they are firemen without anyone having to tell you. When you see two guys dressed like cops in a police car, you assume they are cops. When you see a woman dressed like a slut, you assume she’s a slut. That’s how things work, and that’s why people wear certain clothes and symbols: they want to communicate their purpose and intent. Nobody really cares what a woman says in response to a man’s sexual signals. If she slaps your face and leaves, it’s a no. If she takes your dick in her hand and kisses you, it’s a yes. That’s how those things work. A woman can say “no” all the way to orgasm for all that I care, but if she’s ramming her wet pussy on my cock while moaning “no”, I count that as a “yes”. She can also whisper “Jesus!”, but I don’t interpret that as prayer.

This “no means no” bullshit fucks with our instinctive understanding of nonverbal language in such a way that the only result I can imagine will be men completely avoiding contact with unreliable women, where “reliable” are those who will have nothing to do with either feminism or progressivism or this entire modern bullshit altogether. Also, another thing that will happen is that the Muslims will take over, simply because the Western men will refuse die for the crazy, unpleasant, power-hungry women who think they can act like sluts and yet expect to be treated like ladies. No, they will play video games and all the feminists will end up in some Muslim slave market, where nobody will give the slightest bit of fuck about their “no”.

Another thing that annoys me is that when someone reasonably states that women often invite trouble with their risky or whorish behavior, such as getting drunk and naked with a few guys at a party and then waking up and realizing that they fucked her, or walking alone during the night in a poorly lit area, the response is something along the lines “so you would dress women in burqas instead of teaching men not to rape?” First of all, there is a lot of gray area in between dressing like a whore and wearing a burqa. And second, we’ve been teaching people not to murder and steal for millennia and yet the prisons are always full. Obviously, a certain percentage of people doesn’t care about the law and will gladly break it given the opportunity, so you need to take care you’re not the one they break it on. When you’ve been fucked by some guy in a dark alley by a corn field, you’ll find out there’s no law whatsoever that will prevent him from fucking you, given the opportunity. Sure, the law will work on getting him imprisoned if he’s caught, but you’ll still be fucked, so you need to get your shit together and not get yourself in situations where you’ll be the victim. No, you don’t need to wear a burqa, wear something normal, don’t go alone into dark and deserted places, don’t get so drunk or stoned you won’t be able to communicate your wishes clearly, say “no” by physical actions such as walking away, and don’t hang out with people who are clearly out of control, or are in other ways unreliable. Sure, you can do everything right and still be a victim. However, if that happens you will actually deserve help and compassion. If you do stupid shit and get wiped out, expect to be laughed at.