Why things are a mess

I guess the main question I get asked once I describe what this world is and how it works, is why anyone would ever incarnate here? It’s obviously a death trap; you get here, you get lost and confused, you start investing energy in misplaced efforts, you get attached, and eventually you get destroyed, broken up for energy and recycled. The souls on the other side must either see it falsely advertised as something great, or they think the potential reward is worth the risk. At least this is the expectation based on things we have experience with in this world.

Let’s start with the difficult part: I don’t know how the first generation of souls was convinced that incarnating here was a good idea. That part is a mystery to me. If I had to guess, I would say there were no bad experiences yet, and no precedents to infer from. It must have seemed like just another innocent experience to learn from. Also, Satan probably advertised it as something of a challenge – let’s see if you will still be devoted to God if things are not made perfectly easy. It could have been advertised as a gym, or enlistment into the army; invest sweat, attain glory, or something similar. In essence, at this point the souls were perfectly ignorant of any possibility of actual harm, and although I don’t know how this first generation got drawn in, it’s not necessarily a complicated thing to understand. Some wanted to be away from God to be able to explore the concept, never having experienced anything like it. Some accepted the challenge. In any case, nobody seemed to have read or understood the fine print on the bottom of the contract. Also, it is unclear to me whether the illusion contained any significant attractors at this point, beside the concepts of novelty and challenge.

The next generation is easier to understand – the first generation got stuck, and since they iterated on certain paths, those paths started to acquire energy and became the first generation of attractors. Those were the basic things – social influence, acquisition of wealth, sex and reproduction. At this stage, if there were no initial attractors, this was probably still a Buddhist world, and by that I mean a place where your own attachments are powered by your own investments of spiritual energy. Later, as things progressed, and the illusory world itself gained more energy, the attractors became so powerful, they started to generate attachments. You can understand this process either as seeing the attractors as paths in a forest, where people will usually follow the path of least resistance, and the more people travel a certain path, the easier it gets for others to just go along the same path, because breaking through the brush is hard, and following a clear path is easy. Another way of understanding this is gravity – the more mass there is at a certain place, the more gravity it generates, attracting more mass. In any case, I would say that at first this place was a Buddhist samsara, but later, as the attractors grew in power, the main mechanism changed: the attractors started generating the “main stream” of desires in the incarnated souls, and these desires then further powered the attractors, and everything together created the bond of attachment.

It is easy to understand what happened next. Some thought that those caught in the dragnet were weak, and they thought they could do better. Some felt concern for those caught, and thought that if they come as well, they might help them get out. Eventually, some very significant souls tried to incarnate as beacons of light to teach others how to be saved, but they invariably got caught as well, and their spiritual energy created and powered the next generation of attractors. The greatest aggravation of the already bad problem started taking place when those big souls, in their incarnated deluded state, but instinctively driven by their love for God, started confusing God with the creator of the world, thinking they must be the same, because that would have been normal and expected. Pledging themselves to the Creator, they basically created a very weird situation that had no precedent so far: they basically gave the unholy Dickwad the amounts of energy he could have never even dreamt of having, and this created an entirely new generation of problems.

Some of these “spiritual jewels” were used to make the world more attractive from the outside, to offer promise of spiritual achievement and greatness. Some were used to power “laws” that worked within the world, giving them the appearance of divine sanction and supreme virtue. Some were used to power “spiritual experiences” within the illusion, to be granted to those who show most obedience and devotion to the Creator – and you can already guess where this leads. A significant amount of “jewels” was used to power the scripts that protected the system from interference, mostly by means of encouraging desired behaviour, and discouraging anything that could interfere, tamper with or harm the system. Since the “jewels” are not a generic, fungible mass of energy, but discrete entities of very specific properties, and since they were acquired under very specific conditions and adhered to specific rules, Dickwad used them to incrementally improve his illusion, to patch holes, introduce rules, offer rewards, punish transgressions and so on; the system contains many layers and structures, and the entire thing looks like an inelegant, anisotropic mess. Furthermore, Dickwad occasionally had to make concessions and compromises in order to retain the fig leaf of karmic innocence; forms had to be obeyed. If he had to dispose of someone inconvenient, it had to be made to look pretty. This then required additional patches and layers of misdirection to be put in place, and sometimes he had to change some of the rules and parameters when things started getting away from him. An example of this is when people start creating attractors that conflict with his purposes here; if a religion is formed that creates an attractor towards actual transcendence, he had to intervene to modify it, so that energy is invested into something that confuses the purpose and binds more than it liberates.

In any case, the process must be described as “iterative” and “inelegant”, and the resulting structure looks more than a crow’s nest or a beaver’s dam, than some elegant structure with clean lines and beautiful form. This, however, explains why this world looks like such an incoherent, inelegant mess; it’s because all kinds of forces tried to pull each in their own way, and the present layout is the way it is because of some compromise, or an ancient spiritual battlefield whose front lines were cemented into laws and borders, that were contested at some point, revised and patched up to offer a semblance of rationality rather than necessity and compromise.

The most counter-intuitive aspect of it all is that to improve this thing, one needs to make it much worse. If you try to disassemble this trap, you need to remove layers of control, powered by distinct “jewels”, and when you do that, it’s like removing air conditioning or plumbing from a building: things get worse, and sometimes they get much worse. If you deplete energy sources from false-religion scripts that provided false comfort for the slaves that are being sucked dry for energy, things get subjectively worse. If you remove the layers that perform fake karmic compensations and re-routing, things will start looking really, really bad. If you remove layers of illusion that make ugly and dangerous things look beautiful, it will seem as if you turned a beautiful world into a nightmarish hell. In reality, it was always a nightmarish hell, and the “beautiful”, “spiritual” and “fulfilling” things were all just bait on the hook, things that cover and misrepresent the reality of the hook, things that misrepresent the mousetrap as a heavenly feast. If one removes all the things that make this world a deadly, consistent, nightmarish place of all-but-certain doom, powers down all the energy conduits between various traps, illusions, rules, patches and cover-ups, if all of the stolen spiritual virtue and power is removed, and stops powering deadly illusions, what you end up with is the reality of this place – evil that is starved for your energy, offers you nothing but doom, is desperately pathetic in its emptiness and mockery, and shows complete failure of any alternative to God, and to the world as God made it.

The good part is, there already is a perfect world, the real world, and it was here long before this place was even conceived in the mind of Satan. This place doesn’t need to be improved, or made better. It needs to not exist at all.