About devils calling heaven dangerous

I knew a guy who loved to present himself as a spiritual person but who was a wannabe and a charlatan; he used to parade with grand statements, taken from some theosophical pamphlet, and presented them in such a way that everyone who disagreed was immediately placed in a position of an immature, ignorant person who has much to learn, presumably to reach his level.

One such statement, taken from Blavatska’s “The Voice of Silence” (which is a motherlode of bad ideas, BTW), is that the astral world is to be avoided because “behind every flower there’s a coiled snake”. When I first heard that I thought, ok, makes sense, there are possible deceptions hidden behind false appearance, the astral world defines form that isn’t necessarily a clear representation of reality, so yeah, makes sense to warn people about it. But later, as I thought more about it, I changed my mind, because everything that’s supposed to be the problem with the astral world is in fact the problem with the physical world. Here, form is separate from essence. Here, the matter of the level is inert and doesn’t respond to the demands of consciousness as it should. If astral is static, physical is billion times more so. So why the hell is the astral warned against, if it’s an infinite improvement over matter? The astral world is not a problem, it’s a step in the right direction. Sure, there are very bad astral sub-levels, where there are evil beings, deceptions and limitations. The problem is, there’s less scum in hell than there is here on Earth, the scum on Earth is in power while the scum in hell is imprisoned, and the limitations in hell can be overcome quite easily if you’re a high-level being, unlike here on Earth, where limitations are the same regardless of what kind of a soul you are. So basically, if astral hell is the worst possible astral sub-level and the worst possible example of what astral can be, and it’s an order of magnitude less bad than this place, then what the fuck is this place and who designed it to be this bad and with what purpose?

Earth is actually the essence of everything that is bad about hell, but refined in such a way that it is hardened, less flexible, more inert, by removing the inherent flexibility of the astral substance, making it as resistant to the influence of spirit as theoretically possible (any increase of resistance would probably completely prevent any possibility of overlap and thus disable incarnation as an option) and with the uplifting, redemptory light of God as obscured as much as it is theoretically possible to obscure it and not negate existence itself in eternal darkness.

So basically I had a guy who wallowed like a pig in this quintessential shithole, praising it as God’s beautiful creation, warning about the dangers of the astral plane because he read it in some book written by a total dumbass who never actually bothered to think things through for a second? Are you fucking kidding me? No wonder “spiritual people” are usually regarded as idiots and charlatans, because for the most part, that’s exactly what they are.