The empirical paradox of atheism

It’s interesting what it comes down to. Religion, according to “rational atheists”, is complete bullshit without any factual basis. It’s all made up by humans. However, when those rational atheists provided a rational, intellectually sound and scientifically based alternative to replace all that religious bullshit, the result was always and without exception an unmitigated disaster. So basically, if you base your life on the life and teachings of Jesus, who is supposed to be an imaginary character like Spongebob, you end up fine. If you base your life on what the rational atheists recommend, you end up being a cynical sociopath who needs to be constantly medicated for depression. And here we have Steph who presents himself as rational, and who actually understands this conundrum, but doesn’t follow it to its logical conclusion, which is that maybe, just maybe, if religious people manage to get their shit together more successfully than atheists, maybe that’s because their brains are more in tune to what the reality actually is, which is that God actually exists and his existence and character make moral demands on those who want to be in tune with him. So yeah, the ideas atheists come up with as substitutes for religion are complete and utter rubbish, they themselves are irrational and crazy, but their basic worldview is the scientific truth and makes so much sense, because whatever.