
(continuation of the previous article)

Sometime in 2006, I asked a rhetorical question out loud – why are my powers under an embargo; why am I essentially stripped naked here, only to have to endure all kinds of avoidable crap. To my surprise, a few Gods actually answered. I talked to just one but I could feel the presence of others in the context, as well. He told me it’s because I would kill everyone. I was shocked – like, “Who, me? Fuck no, I’m the guy who talks to a cat to calm it down when it’s upset, why would I kill everyone?”

What he did conveyed the same emotion as if a human raised his eyebrows and looked at me significantly – like, come on, think about it. And I did, and in the following second or two I understood what he meant and I saw that he’s right. He then let me know that it’s actually not a bad thing or a bad idea, but that they have a different plan for dealing with the problem. Poof, gone.

But I understood several things then. First is that humans are not seen by Gods as children of God, whose lives are precious and important. Rather, they are seen as an abomination, a dark evil. And I understood why they thought I would kill everyone were I not under an embargo on use of spiritual powers.

Let’s play out this scenario where my powers are restored to me, like my vision is occasionally restored to me when the Gods want to tell me something. It doesn’t feel like getting something, it always feels like remembering and retrieving something that was covered by a veil and was inaccessible. Also, it doesn’t feel like me getting powers, it feels like me remembering the more real version of myself, unrestrained. So, I walk through the city and suddenly a veil drops, and I feel an expansion of self. I stop and find a bench in a park to sit down, all the while feeling the consciousness that is light that is vibrating in me, in things, in other beings. I feel both the kind of diffuse, soft, foggy light that makes the material objects, and the hard, strong, pure light/consciousness that makes things that are of higher reality. I just sit there and explore the “taste” of high consciousness, what it tells me about God, about His intents and the way He exists, and I test how deep I can go and see, how much of the intensity I can take.

Apparently, me sitting on a bench in a park and looking at nothing in particular is seen as suspicious to two cops who approach me to ask for ID. I perceive their existence with a fraction of my expanded consciousness, but I don’t see them as interesting in the context of what I’m doing, and I don’t see why I should interrupt my exploration of God’s inner being in order to respond to wishes of two lower astral entities wearing physical bodies. They, however, bark orders and radiate lower astral energy in the direction of my body. I decide that their existence is annoying, and transform their clothes, guns and batons into air, because their silly pretense of authority over me opposes God’s desired order of the Universe, and I strip them of their silly toys in order to show them what they are.

The naked and unarmed cops retreat in disarray and I proceed to test various parts of the Creation to see what is there that pleases God the most. Some things in the higher words are made of energy/consciousness of extremely high order, and beauty of it all is almost too much for me to bear, but I cannot force myself to stop watching. The crystalline structures made of solid vajra, of different colors, parts of it blue and parts so deep and intense it’s black, almost stab my mind with clarity, perfection, intensity and wonder of what it is to be God, and I sit there stunned, when something interrupts me. Apparently, the cops called for reinforcements, who are aiming guns at my physical body, hitting it with batons and trying to bind it with shackles, making angry noises and demanding my immediate submission, as if they are in the position to demand anything from me. Again, I strip them of their silly weapons and uniforms and this time I transport them all to the top of Velebit mountain, so that they’ll have time to think about their poor judgment on their way home, barefoot across sharp rocks.

However, all hell now breaks loose, because a TV crew was broadcasting the event live and it appears that the humans decided that I was somehow an evil threat that they must counter at all cost, because I was powerful and I didn’t feel like complying with their stupid bullshit because I was seeing them for what they are, in the absolute frame of reference. Of course I would not comply with their laws and their silly policemen, no more than a human would comply with the laws of an anthill. You don’t necessarily want to step on ants or burn them all with a flame thrower, but if they annoy you enough, you will eventually do something about it, but that “something” will certainly not be “compliance” with their laws, because you are under a completely different authority and you work with a much wider frame of reference.

And so they start shooting bullets at my physical body, and using flame throwers and bombs and grenades and what not, because they are incredibly threatened by the fact that they cannot order me around and control me and imprison me and kill me as if I were one of them, because I understand that their society is that of fear and submission, and politeness and compliance out of fear, and there are almost no positive aspects of the entire thing they call the “state” or “society”. I grow weary of protecting my body from all kinds of attacks and I first dematerialize all the weapons in the world, and then, after further thought, I dematerialize all the humans who are using this instrument of forced compliance on others. The remaining humans proceed to commit all sorts of evil deeds against each other, and manifest great spiritual darkness and perversion, and I decide that this form of existence is contrary to the will and intent of God, which is greatness and beauty, and I destroy everything that manifests ugliness and perversion, only to see that there are less than a thousand humans now left in the world, and they are confused, disoriented and helpless in this new world empty of organized evil and forced submission, and I take pity on them and transport their souls to higher worlds where they will be among their own kind, and under rules that are actually designed to implement the will of God and promote beauty and greatness. I then understand that this world is inherently evil, that it promotes the form of existence that is contrary to the will of God, and serves as a refuge to all kinds of evil enemies of God who made their evil den here, and that those who love God are lost here and subjected to evil rules contrary to goodness and reason, and I simply destroy this world and implement a ban on creating anything similar in the future, shedding my physical body in the process since it’s merely an image of light that no longer serves any purpose to me. All the good souls rejoicing in the higher worlds proceed to praise God, and all the evil ones who sank into various hells due to their inferior spiritual makeup, proceed to hate God and curse Him, falling even further with each decision.

I see that as a significant improvement and proceed to admire the beauty of dark vajra that makes the souls of Gods, stunned by the beauty and magnificence of God’s intent and his true creation, unlike that vile den of evil that Satan created in his spite, wishing to prove God wrong.

That’s what I understood in those two seconds, under a God’s “oh really?” look. But that’s not all that I understood. I understood that they see humans as vile scum, and this world as a shithole of the worst kind, and that there was no condemnation of what they knew I would do; in fact, they found the idea appealing, but not as thorough as what they had in mind, and they didn’t tell me at the time what that was. Apparently, they only wished it were so easy, but at that time I didn’t know about the problem with Sanat Kumar and all the protections he made against exactly that outcome.