On anti-Trump protesters

I’ve been observing the anti-Trump protests in the USA, and here are my observations.

First, protesting the result of the elections is inherently anti-American. The American way is to have the whole circus during the campaign, but when the elections are done and the results are known, the circus stops, the losers concede and everybody pledges loyalty to the winner, because the winner now doesn’t represent only his political option, he represents the will of the people and the nation itself. To protest the election results, not because there is doubt about their validity, but because your candidate didn’t win, it’s the property of the third world, of questionable quasi-democratic countries who are manipulated by various foreign-funded interest groups. With these protests, America basically joined the third world and became a banana-republic.

Second, the protesters are not really protesting against Trump, they are protesting against America and everything it stands for. They are ripping and burning the American flags, raising the flags of Mexico and communist movements, they are openly Marxist and, essentially, their main objections to Trump is that he is pro-America. Essentially, I don’t know how those people even have American citizenship, but for all I know, they might not.

Third, Trump is defamed in the same way the neo-Marxists traditionally defame their strawman opponents. He’s basically their list of politically incorrect things – he’s racist despite the fact that he was praised for hiring a record amount of blacks, he’s sexist despite the fact that he treats women wonderfully and his daughter is the shining star of American business world, he’s basically whatever they don’t like, backed by lies and nonsense. Essentially, those leftists are completely irrational.

Fourth, there’s that aspect of not being able to understand how someone can make choices different than yours or have opinions different from yours, and not be an idiot. You can see that when that mental profile can’t understand how somebody can buy an iPhone – he must be a stupid sheep who’s unable to think rationally and just follows the herd. Those people can’t understand the fact that there are people much smarter than themselves who use iPhones, because they are simply unable to listen to the arguments of the other side and instead represent the other side with a stereotype. It’s the same with politics – the leftists never seem to hear the actual arguments of the political right, and instead they prop up the strawman Hitler caricature who’s also a toothless redneck who rapes livestock for fun and whose mother, sister and wife are the same person. That’s the reason why they perceive Trump’s victory as a victory of subhuman scum and a demise of all that is good in what they perceive as their world. It’s not that they don’t have the opportunity to hear the super-smart proponents of the political right, but they choose not to listen – they put fingers in their ears and chant “lalalalala, I don’t hear you, you’re a bigot and a racist and I’m not giving you a platform to speak, lalalala”.

The problem is, the leftists don’t understand how intellectually deficient they really are, because the Marxist attitudes are all they are hearing all the time, from both their peers and the professors at the universities, so they tend to think that the opposing attitudes have been soundly defeated in the intellectual circles and remain present only among the unwashed masses. In reality, it’s the Marxist attitudes that have been defeated in the real world and retreated into the academia, where you aren’t contradicted by the hard wall of reality and you can live in imaginary worlds of imaginary realities, where failures of blacks are due to slavery and racism and failures of women are due to patriarchy, and white men are the obstacle to realization of an ideal world (which would be a lesbian version of a combination of Latin America and Africa, so basically a shithole).

The fundamental flaw of the leftist worldview is that it is egalitarian. It assumes everybody is the same and ascribes perceived differences in outcomes to oppression. That’s why they are opposed to the founding principle of America, which is not egalitarian, but a free market republic. The political right, essentially the free-market fundamentalists, say that they don’t know whether everybody is equal or if everybody’s different. You do whatever you are capable of doing, offer it on the market of goods and services, and if it’s good, it will sell. The free market doesn’t give a damn whether you’re a man or a woman, whether you’re an African or an European. It gives everybody a fair chance, and allows the demand-side of economics to separate the winners from the losers. And that’s the position that isn’t heard at the American universities. You don’t get to hear the intellectual content of the arguments on the other side. You don’t get to hear how laissez-faire market is essentially an implementation of natural selection and evolutionary biology in human society, and allows the good things to float and bad things to sink not by judgment of some central committee, which would decide how much do you need and what you need to do, but simply through economic feedback. Sure, the system has weaknesses, but those weaknesses are orders of magnitude less than those in any socialist or egalitarian system. Those weaknesses are not discussed in context, and no kind of science is actually applied in those “social sciences” that are being taught. If you don’t have the ability to disprove the basic concepts, it’s not science, it’s doctrine. Just try to argue against any doctrinal concept that is taught there and see what you get – counter-arguments that reports facts, or emotional yelling and screaming. If you think I’m joking, look at those protesters. They are all about emotions, virtue-signaling and quasi-intellectual posturing. Every single one of them is an idiot who functions on a sub-human level of herd mentality, emotions that signal herd-membership and intellect that merely rationalizes prejudice – essentially, they are much worse than the strawman-Trump-voter they imagine in their make-believe world where socialism is progressive and borders are evil.

You could deport all those protesters to Mexico, and conditions in America would improve measurably, while conditions in Mexico would remain pretty much the same.