On multiculturalism

I was thinking how fighting the “Islamic state” might not be the best idea.

IS is a manifestation of a problem. This problem is called Islam. There are people who actually believe that life should be organized according to the principles of this, I wouldn’t really call it religion, but more of a political philosophy. So, they believe that the ideal state would be the Islamic caliphate, like that of the first four caliphs, from Abu Bakr to Fitna, the Muslim civil war which created a sunni/shia schism. This concept is called Salafism, a movement of going back to the roots of Islam and the lifestyle of Muhammad and his immediate successors.

So, they want to live like that – behead the apostates and the infidels, enslave people, treat women like cattle, basically they want to live like savages and do evil.

This, of course, is not compatible with the way we in the West want to live, and we therefore dislike them, leaving us with only three options. We can exile them from the West into some middle-eastern shithole where they can practice Islam as it was intended to be practiced, and they can make their own Islamic society there to compete with ours.

The second option is to have a military conflict with them, which will inevitably end as a very messy, bloody thing that might actually destroy our civilization.

The third option is to pretend that all is fine, that all people, cultures and civilizations are equal, and wait for them to finish killing and raping us until we are all either dead or Muslims.

What I propose is to let them have their Islamic civilization. I am not opposed to that. If God separated one part of all creation to be the dwelling place of Satan, demons and sinners who reject Him and the way He made things, we can separate one part of this world to be the dwelling place of Muslims. However, I think it is dangerous to allow them to obtain artifacts of sophisticated, non-Islamic civilizations, such as the Internet, the smartphones and computers, and especially the modern weapons. They can have whatever artifacts Muhammad and his immediate followers could produce, because those are Islamic. I think they would agree with that. They can have swords, camels, dates and goats. They can’t have artifacts of science and technology because they don’t believe in that Western nonsense anyway, and since they don’t believe in the theory according to which those things work, why would they believe that those things work?

Furthermore, since Muslims are traditionally a danger to others because they are used to financing themselves by robbery and enslavement of others, strong military defenses should be placed on the border, and if they start fucking with us, we should kill them.

Other than that, we should simply isolate them there and leave them to their Islam, until they are ready to admit that it was a bad idea and renounce it completely.

This is why globalization is a bad idea, because it forces different cultures and civilizations to live together in one entity under one set of rules before they are ready. It is much better to let people organize themselves in smaller units and let those units compete, to see whose ideas and principles are better, and people should change their civilization-forming principles only when they are ready and willing to do so, and until then, they should be kept strictly apart to avoid conflicts. Tourism and trade should be encouraged, but immigration should be allowed only for those people who are willing to renounce their own culture and civilization and accept the one they are migrating into. If you want to get away from the mess your civilization made, you should check that mess at the door and not bring it in with you. Until you are ready to do so, stay the fuck out.

Multiculturalism is not necessarily a bad idea, as long as the cultures are separated and they have to compete for supremacy. When you start forcing members of different cultures and civilizations to function together, you necessarily introduce intellectual and moral relativism that is immensely harmful, and the alternative is a bloody conflict. If you keep the cultures and civilizations separated, at least you can see which one is superior. If you try to blend them together, the inferior ones will try to claim superiority and the rest will have to either tolerate them for the sake of avoiding conflict, or you’ll have a civil war like the one in Bosnia.