
I recently saw some ridiculous thing called “slutwalk” where ugly, whorish women demand the right to be sluts and whores and still be treated with respect. Essentially, their message is “I can dress as a whore and act as vulgarly as a bitch in heat, but that doesn’t mean that you have the right to fuck me”.

Well guess what? Nobody wants to fuck worthless, whorish, loud, disrespectful women; at least nobody with whom I’d share a cup of coffee would. Women don’t become sexually attractive by being classless, disgusting sluts. Nobody in his right mind would put his cock in that. They are undesirable social refuse, and only undesirable male refuse and scum without any worth or self respect would fuck them, and even they would first have to get drunk and think of something else. Essentially, such slutty, whorish women without any modesty or feeling of self-worth are the Western equivalent of Arab or African male scum: filthy, lazy, incompetent and without self control, discipline or protective instinct for women, who finger-rape female reporters on the streets because they are essentially sub-human beasts out of control.

Both those groups are disgusting. They never learned how to play the game of being human; essentially, they are total degenerates. The Western women don’t know how to be women, and Islamic men don’t know how to be men. They are failures at being human.

Male and female roles are a dance, it’s a gentle and careful play of give and take, of respect and support, of emotion, intellect and instinct. It’s a game of refusing to ask and demand in order to allow your partner the possibility to give it to you freely and vulnerably. It’s a subtle, incredibly subtle game.

A truly emancipated woman will be decent, polite, respectful, beautiful, intelligent, gentle, kind and self-possessed. She will be quiet and modest, giving the man a chance to encourage her and support her. She will be beautiful and attractive, out of respect for the man, because she admires him and desires his company and wants to be her best for him. He in turn will recognize those signs and will gently support the woman, encourage her, serve her and protect her, because her beauty and her shy smile are a signal that he is respected, admired and wanted, and he in turn will put his strength to her service. He will be the shield under which she can blossom and show everything that she is and can be. One of the strongest sexual signals a woman sends is a display of beauty and weakness and need, to which a man instinctively responds by worshiping the woman and putting his strength to her service. This subtle game of minds and emotions laced with instinct and physical responses is the richness of human sexuality that is so often forgotten in today’s vulgar understanding of sexuality which is reduced to the basest genital-rubbing of animal copulation. If one partner doesn’t respond properly to the subtle signals in this dance, (s)he’s not worthy and the game ends.

If a woman is behaving like a slut, she basically declares that she has nothing at all in her entire being that is above the level of two dogs fucking in the street. If a man is acting sexually aggressive towards women, if he can’t control his sexuality, if he doesn’t respect a woman’s wishes and choices, he’s no better than a dog in heat, and is not really a man; he’s merely a male human animal without any value. If a woman isn’t beautiful and vulnerable for the man, it’s a sign that she doesn’t respect him and the game ends. If she makes display of her own power, it’s a sign that she despises the man and deems him unworthy and the game ends. If she is too openly sexual and not shy, it means her soul, mind and emotions are not merged together with her body and playing along, it means she’s essentially a chunk of meat, a worthless person, and it’s a turnoff for the man. If a man displays any lack of respect, protection and self-control, it means he’s a worthless animal, it means that the soul, mind and emotions don’t control the body and its instincts, and it’s a turnoff for the woman.

The woman who knows how to cooperate with a man will show vulnerability, and he will respond by providing support, encouraging her and protecting her. She won’t have to force any doors open by power of her own. All the doors will open for her by his power at her service. Sex is a game that subtly and slowly evolves, it’s a dance that begins with sharing vulnerability in a subtle way, for instance when the woman tries very hard to be beautiful and attractive for him, because that’s the show of need and vulnerability, and he will respond by providing help, support and protection. She, in turn, will respond by accepting those things with gratitude, and those acts that begin with subtle hints and exchange of subtle hints and signals soon turns into entwining of emotions and desires, ending with bodies entwined in sexual union of vulnerability, support, exchange and joy. A woman doesn’t need to dress like a slut to be sexy. In fact, if she dresses like slut she is the opposite of sexy. She is sexy when she subtly, unconsciously hints need and vulnerability, because I never met a woman who couldn’t get out of her clothes in seconds, if the circumstances demand it. Dressing like a slut isn’t a hint of sexual availability, it’s a scream of despair by someone without any feeling of self-worth.

A woman’s emancipation isn’t about hinting that she doesn’t need a man in order to be happy. No, a woman’s emancipation is in showing she isn’t desperate for any man, it’s in showing that she doesn’t need to act like a desperate crack whore to get sexual attention. A woman’s emancipation is being a worthy person who tries to be the best possible woman for the man who will show he’s worthy by reading her signals properly and responding in kind. An emancipated woman is the perfect dance partner for the emancipated perfect man. You are emancipated by being worthy but vulnerable, because a worthy vulnerable woman will be the perfect turn-on for the worthy powerful man.

That’s how men and women evolved, to be mutually supportive and complementary. They work best as a unit and actually need each other, they can’t realize their full potential alone. A woman without a man’s support is crippled, and a man without a woman’s support will become depressed and die. They literally need each other’s love in order to realize their potential. Feminists who teach women how they don’t need men, and men who talk about “red pills” and not needing women are idiots. Women and men desperately need each other, but they need each other in the right way, they need to play the game of give and take, of intertwining of emotions, minds, flows of energy and bodies, in order to protect each other’s weaknesses from harm, in order to make each other’s strengths flourish. The talk about “not needing” the other sex is just hurt feelings talking, it’s all bullshit. What people don’t need is someone who will abuse their trust, treat them like shit and betray them; but they need a partner who will be supportive, loyal, gentle and kind, who will love them and encourage them to be the best version of self that they can be. Sex is much, much more than rubbing genitals in order to achieve orgasm. Sex is to surrender to someone in order to be more. Sex is being vulnerable in order to be protected, sex is feeling admired and wanted because you’re wonderful, sex is laughing at weird jokes, talking for hours about all sorts of things, shoveling snow together in winter and then making warm tea and laughing at something stupid. It’s a subtle, rich, sophisticated thing that makes you fully human, as opposed to being a two-legged animal in heat. A yogin and a yogini can experience deep fullness of sexual exchange by merely feeling and enjoying each other’s spiritual energy, clothes on and everything, while animalistic people can never experience anything as fulfilling regardless of how they rub their pleasure zones. For humans, physical sexuality is never enough, it never even begins to touch what is possible when the soul, emotion, mind and energy are joined together with the body in the fullness of experience. In fact, the physical sexuality often adds so little to the experience, it can be completely omitted. Those women who flaunt their physical body in a vulgar manner in fact show their belief that other than empty flesh, they possess nothing of interest; they are the female equivalent of male rapists, who feel so worthless they are certain a woman would refuse them if they asked, and so they don’t. Those two are the male and female versions of the same worthless scum.

A worthy, sophisticated woman will be beautiful, but will not attempt to be overtly sexy or dress scantly. She will trust she is cool and wonderful enough as a person that one will want her entirety, that a worthy man will enjoy her style, her humor, wit, emotional subtlety, ideas and energy, and when it comes to removing her clothes, she can do that quickly enough whatever she has on. A worthy, sophisticated man will have confidence that the woman he would want as his partner would recognize him and invite him; he will not try hard, or be desperate, overtly seductive or deceitful in order to get sex quickly. To him, it isn’t about getting sex quickly, it’s about getting the right woman, and when the woman is right every aspect of their interaction is sex, from holding hands, feeling each other’s emotions, hearing each other’s thoughts spoken, breathing in sync and sexual joining. A worthy man knows that if the slow, subtle dance of sexuality isn’t spontaneous and if it’s not mutual and deep, it’s not worth demeaning yourself by even bothering, he just lets that woman get the man who’s right for her, and it’s not him. For confident, emancipated men and women, it’s never a power play, it’s never a game of conquest, it’s finding the partner who makes you a fully-flourishing version of yourself. That’s also why sluts always end up with drunks and thugs – because they are right for each other, and nobody else would want them. A Western whore who twerks with her arse in the general direction of a cock will end up raped by some Arab piece of shit who waves his cock in the general direction of cunt. To hell with that worthless shit. We in the West are better than this, we are the superior, sophisticated civilization of subtle sexual poetry and art, we are the more realized, more emancipated version of humans. We should not demean ourselves by degrading our sexuality to the level of dogs and Africans.