Vae victis

I was thinking about where does all the bullshit of our civilization come from, because it does look like it must have a common root somewhere – all the socialism, minority rights, all this whining and complaining by worthless losers that the fact that someone else is better at everything means that this person is “privileged” and this somehow needs to be redressed.

It’s all Jesus’ fault. He’s the one who cooked up this entire mess by claiming that the rich people will go to hell and the poor will go to heaven because somehow God loves losers and it’s a zero sum game, in the sense that everybody is entitled to the same amount of good and bad stuff and if you don’t get your rightful share, it must be redressed in afterlife (Lk 16, 19-25).

Let me just remind you that this quasi-moral position was not common throughout history. On the contrary, in the Roman empire you had a Darwinian meritocracy, in the sense that if you were powerful, you were simply worth more. It was obvious from the way imperium was distributed among the state officials, where the more powerful officials had more lictors, who were basically the law and could simply execute someone on the spot if he looked at them wrongly, with a few carefully listed exceptions. If you had power, you wielded it without any consideration for the powerless, and if someone lost, he was fucked – the official policy was “vae victis”, which basically translates as “woe to the losers”. The losers were either killed or sold on the slave market together with their families. One would say that this is so beneath today’s moral standards that this country must have been a total shithole. On the contrary, it was the flower of culture, art and science of the time. We inherited their methodical thinking, their approach to the law, their organization of state, and their aesthetics. However, since the Christians took over and introduced us to the glory of the dark ages, we also inherited their concept of guilt for being successful, guilt for feeling good about your achievements, fear of power as a corrupting influence, and basically the concept according to which God prefers losers and is terribly offended if the losers suffer any consequences of being losers, and winners enjoy any privileges of being winners.

Can you even imagine a “social justice warrior” trying to “redistribute wealth” and “check privilege” in this cultural milieu? It would be laughable. Imagine someone trying to guilt a person of Roman mentality for “enjoying white male privilege”. The response would be something along these lines: “I don’t understand what you mean. It’s not a privilege, it’s an earned right. We white males invented everything worth having in this world. We invented steam power, we invented steel, we invented electricity, we invented petroleum energetics and internal combustion engine, we invented nuclear power plants, we made all the IT companies, all the sciences, all the technology, we invested all that effort, and we of course enjoy the fruits of our achievements. What else are we supposed to do? Whenever someone else is capable of functioning on our level, he too enjoys the fruits of his achievements, like the Asians, for instance, who are competent and function just fine on merit. It’s not our problem that some groups of people can’t succeed on merit. They are losers and their purpose in life is servitude to the winners, and they are fortunate if we allow them even that, because we could as easily kick them out of our countries because they are underachieving losers unworthy of our glorious civilization; they can organize their own shitholes according to their shitty ideas about how a civilization should work, but if their ideas worked they wouldn’t be losers, they would be winners. Asians and Jews don’t need help in order to succeed, for instance. They are doing just fine because they are smart, competent and hard working. It’s the scum that’s complaining, it’s the scum that wants undeserved privileges and tries to guilt the winners into giving them stuff. Fuck them. They are all like those obnoxious Gipsy beggars who whine ‘I’m a poor piece of shit, give me money’. Why would we give someone money for being a piece of shit? Being a piece of shit should be rewarded with a bullet through the head. Being a worthy person should be rewarded with wealth and fame.”

Actually, now that you remind me, that would actually work great. Let’s organize ourselves according to those principles. Reward friends, worthy people and those whom you admire with money. Let worthless scum die in squalor. Be proud of doing that because you are supporting what’s good and discouraging what’s bad. Injustice is when the worthy aren’t rewarded enough, and the unworthy are not poor and miserable enough. Never be ashamed of being wealthy and powerful – instead, use your power to stimulate good, worthy and valuable things in the world, because it’s a great privilege to be able to do so, and it’s immensely spiritually rewarding. Reward the philosophers, spiritual teachers, inventors, scientists and other worthy intellectuals who enrich the world with great things. Reward the brave soldiers, those who help the innocent against scum and villains. Don’t feed scum and losers, no matter how much they whine about injustice, because the only injustice is that they exist at all; as Jesus properly remarked once, if you’re incompetent, even that little which you do have should be taken away from you and given to the one who is competent and has the most, because he’s worthy and you’re not (Lk 19, 11-28).