Why are atheists so hated?

I saw a Youtube video today with a title “Why are atheists so hated?” and I thought, are you fucking kidding me? Almost everything atheists do is about belittling and ridiculing other people’s beliefs, with a particularly nasty sadistic glee of a bully who thinks he can get away with it because facts are on his side, or at least it is commonly believed that they are.

I know some people who take special pleasure in portraying gay men’s sexuality in a particularly disgusting light, with nasty descriptions of anal sex, oral sex and a combination of the two, and I don’t feel like going into much detail, and you can see that point of view, you can see how those people think the facts are on their side. But then again, I know some gay men who portray women and female sexuality in a particularly nasty light, and based on that you also see how he has some kind of a point there, too, because if you don’t have any kind of sexual attraction for women, everything about sex with them will actually sound disgusting. And here we come to the point: if you don’t have “that something” that makes a woman sexually attractive, you won’t see much difference between sex with a woman and sex with some domestic animal. It’s all disgusting. But the thing is, if you don’t have “that something” that makes you capable of seeing the difference, you’re fucked up. You are literally damaged goods, your brain misses that crucial component that develops in puberty, that makes it possible for people to understand, feel and enjoy sexuality. You can flap your mouth all you want about how everybody who enjoys licking pussy or sucking cock is a psychopath, but really, have you ever thought about how they wouldn’t be doing it if it weren’t worthwhile? Atheist is like a nasty pre-pubescent kid who caught some people having sex and now goes on like a complete moron about how they are disgusting and thinks he can blackmail them with it because if anyone knew they did this disgusting thing, nobody would want to talk to them any more. And when those people look at him like he’s disgusting and stupid, he thinks it’s their problem because he thinks the facts are on his side. The atheists will see themselves as completely justified: what the hell, he saw the girl put the guy’s cock between her legs and like it, and now he is the one who is supposed to be at fault? That guy beside him in the foxhole is looking at the picture of that girl and kissing it. How stupid is he, it’s just a picture, and what would he do, put his mouth on a woman’s lips? How disgusting! Of course he deserves ridicule. And that guy, tearfully whispering something before a picture of some guy on a cross. Crazy motherfucker, talking to his imaginary friend, might as well talk to the flying spaghetti monster for all the good it will do.

That’s why atheists are so hated. They are the worst kind of mental invalids: the kind that thinks everybody else is disabled and they are normal.