About sin

There was a question on the forum about sin, remorse and so on. I touched on some aspects of it there, but then realised there is more to be said, so I’ll elaborate here.

The question was whether someone like Judas could repent for his sin of betraying Jesus and become pure again.

My answer was that the feeling of remorse is the result of sin being outright faced and not hidden away from, and that sin, in essence, means that cohesive forces between the fundamental particles of your spiritual body are being weakened. Sin, in that respect, is like heat being injected into a refrigerator, which then needs to work harder in order to extract. However, it’s all a function of mass and temperature. Inject enough mass of enough heat and the refrigerator will break down. This is, in essence, what happens if gravity of the sin committed exceeds the amount your spiritual body, defined by the number of kalapas and the cohesive forces that bind them, can handle without being fatally disrupted and, essentially, disintegrating.

A soul instinctively tries to protect itself from this, and since trauma caused by sin is a function of understanding, this self-protection usually takes the form of encapsulating the entire traumatic memory and ability to understand it into some compartment isolated by a layer of astral substance. There are various names for such structures, but the one I found most accurate is “larva”. A larva has the external “wrapping” that eventually bursts, flooding the rest of your spiritual body with content that was deemed too traumatic to handle, and when that happens, you can either repeat the process and wrap things up again, or you can bite the bullet and face trauma head-on, and that’s where remorse and spiritual pain enter the picture, and if you are able to endure the pain, the trauma-causing chaotic energy disrupting your spiritual body is eventually spent, unless the magnitude of it is too great and it fatally disrupts your spiritual body and you cease to exist as a spiritual being. Obviously, a spiritual being will try to avoid this outcome and instantly wrap-up everything into a larva as soon as it becomes too much to handle. My yogic techniques’ primary purpose is to make this process more survivable by allowing one to vent trauma with mantric resonance and up-stream kriya, and to target things deliberately with insight into the inner space. Essentially, remorse and suffering is still what does the actual cleansing and re-harmonization of the spiritual body, but the techniques are there to avoid the outcomes that either kill you or make you panic and wrap the whole thing up again.

So, what exactly is the problem with wrapping it up into a larva?

First of all, the part of your spirit that is wrapped up is not usable or accessible to you, which is about as great as having part of your brain unusable or inaccessible, only worse because the problem outlives the body. Furthermore, the instinct to protect yourself from the traumatic experience influences your behaviour. You avoid the truth and the light, and part of creating the protective shield around your sin involves creating complex worldviews to justify yourself – it can involve entire false ideologies. Also, since the light of God instantly causes larvas to burst, exposing the sinner to trauma, the instinct of a sinner is to hide himself in some dark place, far from God, most of his soul locked away and paralysed, leaving him with a very narrow ability to do anything, and persistent suffering caused by such a state is often in a state of equilibrium with the fear of facing the traumatic things that were locked away. And in that state, the sinner is either completely paralysed, or tries to boost his ego with egomaniacal boasting about how great and free he is and what miserable beings God and His angels and believers are, not having his freedom and virtue. Hell is a place where you have such doomed souls, rotting away, causing each other suffering and cursing God and everything that is holy. Since every such action further weakens the soul and produces results that are opposite of healing, the only eventual outcomes are either to be finally destroyed, or to face your sin and endure the suffering of remorse, and thus slowly re-acquire the ability to face God’s light.

Essentially, efforts to protect oneself from the onslaught of remorse only delay the eventual outcomes of either doom, or purification. In order to be able to return to God, you need to face the truth about yourself and your actions, which might be a highly unpleasant experience, but there is no way to ultimately avoid it. So, my technique of yoga consists primarily of re-claiming the parts of your soul that were locked away into larvas, facing and surviving the pain, and growing larger by being able to “move” in an increasingly larger part of your spiritual domain, which is increasingly free from “land mines”. Is it possible to resolve extreme things, such as betraying someone like Jesus? Probably, if you have the virtues of someone like Jesus, because he would be able to face the judgment and punishment for anything. However, since sinners are usually also cowards and weaklings, they will protect themselves and their weakness above all else, and will be reduced to guarding the integrity of the larva with the totality of their being, until it eventually bursts and they whimper away into the nothingness they chose for themselves. That’s what I meant by survivability being the function of mass and temperature; if your soul is great and its internal cohesive forces are very high, you will have greater “intestinal fortitude” required for facing and enduring things. This means that greater souls have the capacity for dealing with greater problems, and the lesser souls lack the capacity for dealing with more-less anything, and if a lesser soul commits a sin above its pay grade, that usually doesn’t end well, unless it is saved by the grace of God, in some way.