Scripts and tokens

There’s a thing I would want to clear up regarding the inner workings of the fake karma in this world. Of course, the main irony is that this fake karma works just the way people imagine real karma to work.

The first thing I want to explain is that this world, in its core, isn’t material. Its core is astral, its rules are astral, and the “material” part is merely software – a virtual world similar to a very immersive video game. Basically, you can imagine a video game with a whole virtual world on top that can be perceived by the senses, but underneath it is the system of rules that makes the game – the scoring system, the system that adjusts the behaviour of NPCs and the environment depending on the actions of the player, and so on. Increase this by a level of complexity to accommodate for the fact that every character is playable and they all interact, and you’re close to getting the picture.

The second thing that needs to be properly understood are the scripts. The scripts can be explained as astral code, which is a part of the system itself, but it is segmented. There’s a part that scores player’s behaviour on each action. Another part adjusts the reactions of the environment to the player based on his score. Another part deals with system security and protects the game against undesired things on some list. They are all connected to the system in ways that allow them to see what’s going on, and perform actions based on the rule they embody.

A token is something that can be understood only if you already understand how the scripts work, because it would make no sense otherwise. Imagine that Chinese social credit score, and you’re close enough – it gives the scripts information on how to handle players. Your lowest score is “parasite”. This means you didn’t contribute anything to the system, you just take, and the system reacts to you by “karmic punishment” for taking resources from the system without giving anything in return. As you develop a more favourable ratio of giving and taking, the system revises your score. A token is a special entity that can mark you as, for instance, having a right to expend unlimited resources because you are a VIP. In this case, the script in charge automatically stops evaluating you for karmic retribution on resource expenditure, because you are obviously authorised.

Now let’s extend that into specifics – a professional fisherman has a specific token that allows him to kill fish because that’s his job. He is not karmically charged for it because the scripts see the “tag” and stop processing. A hunter is similarly awarded a “tag” that allows him to kill animals without karmic retribution. I would expect the soldiers to have “tags” that allow them to kill humans in line of their duties. However, if you exceed your privileges, you are karmically charged.

You need to understand that the scripts have very specific duties, because they are intentionally designed to be stupid as fuck and blind as a rock. A script that evaluates tags and tokens doesn’t see your intentions, it doesn’t see you, it sees your permissions and it sees whether action performed is authorized. If authorized, note so and stop processing. If not authorized, note so and stop processing. The next script in line notes “unauthorized” tags on players, processes data, decides punishment and assigns it, then removes the “unauthorized” tag and stops processing. The fourth script executes punishment, removes the punishment assignment and stops processing.

The purpose behind this design is that every single element of the system performs a legitimate and justified function, and their combined actions can create terrible injustices nobody is really responsible for. It’s like the execution of Jesus: the priests evaluate people for religious crimes and detect blasphemy. The Roman authorities execute prisoners condemned by the religious authorities. The crowd cheers based on their perception of what’s going on. The soldiers execute orders. As a result they kill God. Nobody in this entire system said, “I hate God and I want to kill Him”. No – they said they love God and want to serve Him. They intended to do that by detecting and punishing blasphemers. The worldly authorities, on the other hand, want to preserve peace and the rule of law, and an aspect of that is eliminating causes of religious disorder. Since they are not qualified to determine what constitutes religious disorder, they outsourced this to the local religious authorities. As a result, everybody has “good intentions” and are “only doing their job”, and the result is evil and injustice of the highest order. The key elements necessary for this are ignorance of the facts, and segmentation of duties. Even without any malice or evil intent involved, this is a recipe for disaster, and I assure you, there is often malice and evil intent involved – in labelling an embodied God as “false prophet”, “blasphemer”, and “seducer of men”, for instance. However, if you are an evil person in charge of the whole thing, what you want is to merely create the environment where you don’t have to do anything: you just enforce ignorance, enforce strict and very segmented rules, and evil things just happen as a result. You just have to feign ignorance of intent and involvement, and you will be impossible to punish. If you want to stay in power, just make rules that mark those opposing you as disruptive elements, removing their protective tags and tokens, and then the other scripts will process them as disruptive parasites that are routinely starved of resources and exposed to routine punishment for eating and breathing.

So, why did Satan allow Jesus to be falsely charged and executed, if he, at least, knew the truth? Shouldn’t that be sinful? It’s actually very simple – it would go contrary to his mission statement and intent of testing what the souls would do if all answers were not given to them from the start. OK, you say you love and serve God; would you recognize God if things were not completely obvious? Of course you would. You wouldn’t mind me testing that, would you? OK, so God crossed your path in form of a man, and said He’s God. You saw a man saying he’s God and called this blasphemy. This is a fail on a legitimate test, from Satan’s perspective. But wait, you will say, shouldn’t he then protect Jesus from the consequences of other people’s failures of judgment? Not really, since Jesus actually accepted his fate and thus gave Satan a pass on this. What Satan actually had to do is convince Jesus that he’ll “purchase” Satan’s contract on the world if he allows himself to be killed by Satan unjustly. However, he was actually expected to try deception, and succeeding in his stated intent to test you is not actually punishable. So, Satan very subtly deceived Jesus, because he actually told him the truth – if he killed Jesus in the described way, this would be a direct sin and, as such, would give the damaged party huge power over the culpable party. However, by accepting this Jesus actually legally performed suicide by religious fanatics – he ordered his students to get swords, which was punishable by death under Roman law; he also knew that he will be betrayed and taken, and accepted it instead of evading it as usual. Satan didn’t really have to do anything, and so he just allowed the cogs and wheels to turn, in ignorance and law. Some were deceived, some failed their tests, some just did their job, and terrible evil was wrought. Even if Jesus had tokens that would normally protect him, he gave those protections up by voluntarily accepting a course of events that was presented to him as God’s plan, and he was obedient to God in all things. So, according to Satan’s mission statement, humans involved in the prosecution and execution of Jesus either failed their spiritual test, or just did their job and are not culpable. Jesus, on the other hand, passed his spiritual test because he was loyal and obedient to God, but failed the test of discrimination and ego which caused his painful death, and so he has nobody to blame for this. We have a saying in Croatia for this: “pojeo vuk magare”, or in rough translation “a wolf ate a donkey”, which means “all par for the course”.

The dark night of the soul

People often implicitly assume that when things take an unpleasant turn in this world, that it’s an aberration, a wrong that needs to be righted. However, according to both Buddhism and Yoga, things going wrong is normal here. If you want to attain buddhahood, you are swimming against the current, trying to calm natural fluctuations of the mind, and fight against the nature of this world. This world is designed to be as bad a place as can exist and still allow souls to be bound to it, and human body is a very poor vehicle for the soul. For all intents and purposes, it’s a vicious animal bound by instincts that almost always go against one’s better angels, and you need to be constantly in control, or the waters will close above your head as you are pulled in. This is not a cheerful prospect, of course, but it’s not intended to amuse you or lift your mood, but to describe things as they are. In fact, it is my opinion that the optimistic worldviews, that tell you that it is normal for things to be great, will actually make you feel terrible, because they will make you think that things going wrong is somehow your fault, and you will feel both guilty and ashamed for what might appear as your personal failure. The truth, however unpleasant, will lift his burden from you.

Catholics have a term for one of those terrible things that seem to be designed into the world – they call it “the dark night of the soul”. It is a state where a saintly person, through no fault of their own, is separated from the presence of God, while Satan and the worldly forces are allowed to tempt, test and molest them. This seems to be so common, it’s a rule of the world rather than an exception: it might be one of those things God conceded to Satan, allowing him to test souls here, according to the original contract, and a saint who is constantly in the presence of God seems to defy this rule. Of course, God is allowed to have a presence here and to be able to argue His point, because that too is part of the test, but God is not allowed to prevail by offering such an overwhelming and constant support to those who had chosen Him, that all further tests provided by the Prince of this world are made to look insignificant. The tests must be real, and in order to test someone really highly initiated and holy, and in order for the test to be valid, they need to be brought to a very real breaking point. Forty days of fasting in a desert, followed by temptations by Satan, remember? But compared to what some others had, this looks very easy. Some had decades in a spiritual desert, separated from any kind of a transcendental vision, having to rely only on their intrinsic nature in order to overcome the entirety of hell conspiring against them.

I once heard an interpretation of the “dark night” as a depression. This is completely false. The dark night of the soul is not a depression, it’s what humans call being human. It’s the existence separated from the vision of God, devoid of transcendental experiences, but immersed in the world and the senses. Yes, what a saint calls a dark night of the soul, humans call human life. So, while the condition itself is not depression, to a saintly person it can indeed cause depression, but this is not helpful in any way and is to be avoided, because nobody is going to pull you out, and depression causes damage you’ll eventually have to fix, on your own.

It’s interesting that only the Catholics had sufficient wisdom and experience to recognize this phenomenon, although I am quite certain that it is not limited to their membership. The rest, probably, think it signifies some personal failing, a spiritual fall, a sign of being impure and unworthy of God’s presence, and this is why I said that optimistic and positive worldviews can actually cause suffering, because if you don’t understand that such conditions are a necessary part of worldly existence and not a sign of personal failings, it will actually add to your misfortunes.

People reading my books and articles are usually under a misapprehension that I must be in some kind of an ecstatic trance, either constantly or at least while I produce such spiritual artefacts, but they couldn’t be more wrong. I have been enduring a “dark night” ever since 2007 or something like that (I don’t precisely remember); one of the “guys up there” showed himself to me, apologized that they will have to keep the distance until the very end because it is necessary (I didn’t quite understand the reason at the time, but it had something to do with the open fight against Satan, that I started around that time) and went away. I didn’t think much of it then, because I had no idea that it will be decades, and not, for instance, months. The strongest texts I ever wrote were made after that point, from the position of me whirling up spiritual substance from the human position in order to reach what has been taken away from me. Some of those texts were written during sickness or karmic transformations that include terrible suffering. It’s all incredibly unpleasant even with the more-less good knowledge of what’s going on; if I had to endure it while thinking it’s all my fault, that I must have done something to cause it because I live in a perfect world made by perfect God and everything bad that’s going on here must necessarily be my fault, it would have been much worse.

You see, it seems that one of the rules of this place says that anyone hostile to Satan that is incarnated in this place, who intends to undermine his rule and defeat him, can have no help from God, in a sense where he would be guided from above in his actions, or be spiritually maintained by God’s presence that would help him endure. No – those fighting him have to do so in a desert, without “food and water”, without hope or encouragement, using only their own human resources. Satan also has some limitations – he can’t, for instance, directly kill his enemy, because that’s an instant loss. He can, however, go about it in indirect ways – “inspire” other humans, for instance, marking his enemy with something the Romans called “aquae et igni interdictio”, barring anyone from giving access to water or fire to the excommunicated person under a threat of death penalty. This is done using various “scripts” of the world, in order for the order to kill not to be traceable to Satan – it’s cloaked as a command to “not support enemies of the Lord and the good worldly order He installed”. Also, if the saint made fatal mistakes while under misapprehensions caused by Satan fighting back, that would be too bad. If other souls were persuaded by Satan to fight against such a saintly person, thinking that by doing so they are serving God or something, that would also be too bad. Those seduced and deceived souls would of course get all the karmic punishment for such an act, which would also be too bad (insert animated gif of Muttley snickering).

Basically, an open fight against Sanat Kumar, while incarnated here, is designed by the intrinsic rules of the system to be a death penalty by withdrawing all support from the system, and invoking all kinds of hostility from everybody that is in service of Satan. This is a self-defence mechanism built into the word-illusion, and in normal conditions it dooms any attacker. Historically, the effectiveness of this was such that Sanat Kumar got complacent, and, when things didn’t immediately work in my case, he got nervous and eventually made a mistake. It happened to have significant consequences for him. However, the things he set in motion remain in motion until the scripts receive a contravening command from the person in command. If this seat is vacant, a valid command can’t be issued.

Basically, what Satan tries to do to his enemies here is layered – first, try to deceive and seduce, to get them to willingly join their power with him. Second, try to cause them to make mistakes, so that they get in deeper trouble, and also have nobody else to blame. Third, deceive other souls to be an instrument of evil – this is a double whammy, because if those souls end up destroyed, that’s all par for the course. Fourth, deny support from the world system, deny access to resources and energy of the world, deny access to God. In my case, and I think in my case alone, he had to tweak and micro-manage this last one, because things didn’t seem to work – for instance, there didn’t seem to be any apparent result from cutting my connection with God, because I am God, for all intents and purposes – mani padme, if you will. I just don’t have transcendental vision and power. Also, he cut me away from means of earning money (which is very deadly here), and very successfully sabotaged all my business plans, however I saw a hole in the script-logic and exploited it: if people just gave me money, without promise of anything in return, and without me directly asking for it in such a way that it would be a transaction, that would work. Basically, if they volunteered, and I shrugged, this would go under the radar.

What does this say about me, again? That I’m obviously not quite human? True. However, what absolutely nobody seems to understand is that this means that my capacity for suffering far exceeds that of a human – or, surviving prolonged, extreme spiritual agony, at least. I can suffer much more, and for longer, without going insane, evil, atheist or simply dying. Basically, I wasn’t nailed to a cross, because that’s merely one bad afternoon. No – I had the maximum level of suffering that I can possibly take, which in my case is caused by being separated from God, and that was extended for decades. The condition Jesus was in on the cross, immediately before death, where he lamented that God had forsaken him, couldn’t endure it, and died? That moment is every moment of my day, every day. Only I don’t get to die.

That is the condition in which I wrote all of my best work; and I would take my suffering over the greatest joy the entire mankind derives from this world – every single time, every single instance, because in order to be able to truly suffer, you need to miss something, and in order to miss it, you need to be there, in a way. This is why “dark night of the soul” is sort of a misnomer; there is a different way to state this: “the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it”.

How to not get fucked

A question that invariably crops up as I talk about deception attacks by Satan and demons is “how to defend oneself”.

Since I do not wish to write a whole book about astral self-defence, I will summarise things.

First, there is no substitute for discrimination. If you are unable to discern between phenomena, you are doomed. If you are unable to discern between Satan looking like Jesus, and God looking like Jesus, you are fucked and neither God nor guru can help you, because whatever anyone tells you, you will understand it wrongly and get fucked.

Second, sin is deadly. Do not commit offences against your enemies, because that makes you vulnerable, because to sin against someone is to give yourself as a gift in retribution. Always stay within the confines of justice and righteousness. Only if you are firmly anchored in God and you for all intents and purposes are God, you can violate this rule, because when God attacks evil things, this is not a violation of the karmic law, but affirmation thereof.

Third, opening up towards others is a bad idea. You need to be open towards God; with everything else, you need to be reserved and level-headed. Accept neither criticism nor acclaim. How important is this? Let’s say that some of the most effective attacks Satan deployed against my former students were along the line of ridiculing them for being someone’s students, “belonging to a cult” and “not thinking with their own head”. Since they implicitly assumed that they must remain open to others, not be “fanatical” about anything, they automatically started behaving in ways that will deflect and disarm such criticism (which implies that the criticism is valid) and they gradually all fell off and usually committed serious karmic offences along the way. A smart person armed with discrimination would answer such criticism by simply conceding – yes, I’m devoted to God and the guru, I’m a yogi, that’s all that I care about, thanks for your concern but fuck off now, I need to pray, serve and obey.

Satan uses the same attack vector against everybody – accuses religious people of being God’s sheep and not thinking with their own heads, accuses women of being submissive to men and not “emancipated”, praises people for doing things that will destroy their lives, encourages men to be “alpha” and not follow anyone and so on. The attack targets the ego that is inherently insecure and in need of support from others. This needs to be recognized and you need to understand that only God matters, and the only confirmation you need is being with God. Without that, nothing matters; with that, nothing matters. With God, if you need to lead others, it will be God leading them and you serving. With God, if you follow, you will follow only God because other things will be abominable. In both cases God leads, you follow, and the result is salvation and happiness. Without God, you are lost, you fumble around, and eventually are doomed. Avoid this entire branch of the tree of life lest thou be thoroughly fucked.

Every kind of accepting things from enemies is harmful. Every kind of opening up towards enemies in order to prove something is harmful. What you need to do is focus on God and do your sadhana. What is bad but unavoidable, surrender to God to transform. Every spiritual authority other than God and your guru is irrelevant and possibly influenced by the enemy, and is to be ignored. Every scripture other than what your guru told you to learn is irrelevant and a possible distraction by the enemy. The primary mode of learning should be absorption of properties of God into self in a state of darshana. Everything else is merely a crutch whose purpose is to get you there. Everything that distracts you from that is to be avoided and ignored. Only when you have achieved proper initiation should you focus on learning how to do things in the world, but this time maintaining proper focus on God. Focusing on things of the world without your consciousness firmly anchored in God is a sure way to get fucked. Avoid sharing your opinions about spiritual things with others unless you are so entrenched in God that your opinions are shastra.

Quod licet Iovi…

Over the decades, I periodically but very consistently encountered people who wanted to practice magic, and who divided it into “good” and “bad”, the kind they wanted to do of course being “good”. My answer was, and remains, that it is all bad, it should be avoided, and it never comes to a good end. Those people always seem to think that this is hypocritical of me, because according to their definitions of magic I am an extremely skilled mage. However, their definitions are wrong and they are ignorant of the most basic facts, which are as follows.

Magic, in a wide sense, is any application of consciousness in the spiritual sphere that produces quantifiable results. This encompasses everything from people stirring up astral substance with their emotions and thoughts over time, to God creating new reality-types and universes within them. Such a wide definition is useful to those people, in their desire to justify their endeavours, but wide definitions are seldom useful, which is why I will make a more narrow one, according to which magic is any conscious attempt by incarnate humans to influence spiritual realities to whatever end.

The difference in definitions is that I exclude non-corporeal practitioners of spiritual skills, and I exclude all actions that do not result from conscious effort. Basically, if an old woman creates astral prints in her home with depressing thoughts for twenty years, I don’t count this as magic, I count it as poor spiritual hygiene.

So, let’s see what happens when incarnate humans attempt to dabble in spiritual affairs. First of all, they have to contend with the limitations imposed by physical incarnation. They are slow, their resolution is poor, and they are prone to errors. As a result, I can always clearly distinguish between artefacts and efforts produced by incarnate human mages, and astral ones, because human efforts are dull, imprecise, simple, and basically worthless. Also, human attempts at astral communication are slow, dull, of low resolution, and inflexible. This is why the first idea every human wannabe mage has is to do things himself, and after that fails, the second idea is to contact some competent astral being and compel it to do their bidding. Having in mind the realities of the situation, the outcomes of such an attempt can be immediately reduced – they certainly won’t be able to compel a good being to do anything, and bad beings from a level that allows them not to sleep, not to rest, not to have lapses of concentration due to exhaustion or other physical causes, and have inherently greater speed by several orders of magnitude, and also inherently better resolution and precision of perception and action, also by orders of magnitude, will have such an advantage over humans that it’s not even funny, and it is perfectly obvious who will end up controlling whom in this game. Basically, a human mage is a being that has a will for mischief, but lacks knowledge, skill, precision, virtue, purity and clarity, and tries to produce effects in a sphere they barely understand, with rules they barely understand (if even that), and absolutely everyone native to that sphere has an advantage. One of the rules they don’t understand is that by attempting to assert control over some other being, they forfeit their innate spiritual protections granted to them by God, which are normally impenetrable. However, when a human wannabe mage attempts to assert control, this is a karmic equation that has two sides: if you commit acts to enslave, pressure or control others, you are open to their retributive actions. So, basically, by dabbling in things they don’t understand, they forfeit extremely effective protections they know nothing about, and enter a sphere where nothing sleeps, nothing has to rest, everything sees and moves better and faster than them, and they are merely the helpless victims. This is why attempts at magic always come to a bad end.

Those wannabe mages think they can classify what I do as magic, and they are not wrong. I am indeed very good at what I do. However, I would not classify their efforts as magic, because their skills are worthless. They can only harm themselves and others, and are perfectly incapable of anything good and useful. In order to do that, one needs to focus on God alone, and nothing else. From that, one will develop purity, virtue and skill, and when your mind is in God and of God, and you focus intent with purity, virtue and skill, this results in artefacts of holiness, that are basically presence of God manifested in some shape and form. Also, as you need to dismantle blockages within your soul, you develop skills necessary to dismantle evil, that are also useful when you encounter external malevolent entities, because the principle is the same – the light of God defeats darkness. As you work from God, you are not limited by your physical properties – basically, you don’t access the astral plane from below, but from above, from the position of a higher power which is dimensionally greater, and as such you are in a position of advantage over astral beings that is greater than the one they have over inept human mages. So, you can see that what I do and what wannabe mages do can superficially sound similar – influence spiritual realities by spiritual means – but this only shows how useless definitions are when you are talking about realities you don’t understand. In the language of human idiots, “spiritual realities” don’t really distinguish between inept efforts to stir up astral with focus from the physical plane, and a tulku switching self-identity to bodhisattva and using focus to manifest vajra-based structures along the line of dharma.

The point is, the God-level magic can never be learned if you want to learn magic. It can only be learned if you want to know God, surrender to His will, know His thoughts and do His deeds. In order to do God-level magic you need to be a God-level being. It’s doable, but quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi.

Prints, entities and scripts

I noticed something interesting, decades ago, when I was learning how spiritual power works. You see, the same technique I use to spiritually empower people is the one that kills demonic entities. The technique is simple: I remember the light of God while looking through a being. When I do this with a worthy and good soul, they seem to remember God and it has a healing effect – bits of darkness, likely caused by ignorance, vanish and are replaced by the light, essentially the inter-kalapa bonds are strengthened which creates the appearance of inner light replacing darkness. Sometimes demonic entities that have been feeding on them detach and leave in terror. The overall energy level of their spiritual body increases, and since they are in the physical body, the overall energy of the body-soul system increases, and this is known in yogic circles as Kundalini awakening. In essence, as I shine the reality of God through their combined body/soul being, the entire system is basically powered up, and elevated from the low baseline energy at which it has normally been functioning, because they couldn’t remember God while in their bodily prison. So, basically, when a good soul is exposed to God, it glows like a light bulb that’s connected to electricity.

When I do this to a demonic entity, it tries to flee in terror, or try to shower me with evil imagery, trying to counter my efforts. When its efforts fail, and I hold it firmly and remember God through it, the demon dies. Its entire structure evaporates in the light.

Why is there such a qualitative difference in outcome? Why doesn’t a demon, for instance, become a good entity in God’s light? If evil is merely an absence of God, filling it with God should make it not evil, right? Well, it’s half right – it makes it not exist. The theory behind the phenomenon might be interesting, because normally, a structure made of kalapas is held together by some kind of a cohesive force. You would expect this force to be love, admiration, desire for knowledge, truth or some similar aspect of God’s light, which is sat-cit-ananda. This is certainly the case with normal, good souls, and exposing them to greater light heals them and makes them “brighter”, casting aside bits of darkness here and there. However, the demonic entities don’t seem to be built the same way, or of the same stuff, so to say. I don’t completely dismiss the possibility that some demons started as normal souls, but became corrupted by sin and evil, but that seems to be a separate phenomenon, and such souls are quite prone to falling apart due to normal karmic effects. The demonic entities I was talking about seem to be a wholly separate phenomenon, as if they are constructs of dark magic, rather than normal souls. In essence, they are what the Tibetans call “tulpas”. A Tulpa is an entity created by focused will and intent by a practitioner of spiritual magic, and his efforts hold the kalapas together in a cohesive structure, bound by his will and intent. Those entities have finite energy invested in them, and degrade with time, but as they degrade they seem to learn how to function on low energy levels, such as fear, aggression and so on, and they seem to have an instinct for self-preservation that helps them learn how to prolong their existence by stimulating lower emotions in other beings, and feeding on those emotions as they are of the same energy level as the cohesive forces that bind them together. As I draw a higher order of magnitude of energy through them, it in effect dissolves their entire energy structure that is based on some kind of darkness; I would say that, rather than make their entire structure remember God and glow, I make each constituent kalapa remember God and glow, and this dissolves the darkness-based connection to other kalapas of the structure, and they part ways, so to speak. I intuitively understood how this works immediately as I first saw it, but it took me some time to develop theory around it, as it is quite involved.

The thing with tulpas is that they are produced by normal humans, and not only dark mages in Tibet. Basically, as one iterates along the same mental and emotional pathways during the course of their life, they are in essence doing the same thing a Tibetan mage does in a more focused and intentional manner, but other than the difference in time involved, and the lack of deliberate purpose, the result gets to be quite similar – astral substance gets to be “magnetised” by repeated low-energy effort, and persists due to inertia separately from its creator. Such structures can be separated into several groups, according to the degree of sophistication. The first group are the “prints” – they basically indicate that thought, emotion and will stirred up astral matter in some place, and left marks of some persistence. These are in the order of footprints left in mud or wet concrete, or greasy fingerprints left on a shiny surface, only an astral version. As people lack spiritual hygiene, they leave such prints behind them during the course of their existence.

A print is sometimes created by very powerful experiences – an accident, an act of violence and so on – and this is sometimes perceived as “ghosts”, but it’s not someone’s ghost that is “haunting” a place; they just left a very strong astral print, that can be “read” by a consciousness that passes through the place, the way a magnetic head of a cassette player can read a magnetic print left on the tape by a cassette recorder. By definition, those prints are not conscious or interactive, however if a print is complex enough, and has been iterated upon enough times, it can collect enough kalapas to manifest self-awareness, and thus enter the second group – “entities”. Entities can be created by many people praying to some theological concept, and this can give them more freedom and power than one would expect, and I guess such entities would feed on prayer instead of fear and anger. Also, many people fearing the same thing would be expected to create an entity that then stimulates fear in people in order to feed on it and thus prolong its existence. As you can see, there is a pattern to this – entities need energy of a specific frequency to continue existing, and since they soon exhaust the original supply invested in them, they either fall apart or learn how to stimulate people so produce the kind of energy they need, and feed on it. Those entities sometimes develop a parasitic pathological connection to a specific person, and sometimes they feed off of masses of people creating filth in the global astral field – bad news on the TV, primal emotions in a football match, wars, strong negativity in human groups and so on.

However, if an entity was designed by a competent mage, with the goal of persisting for a long time, and implementing his will, and is powered by an energy source, it makes the third group – “scripts”. A script is an equivalent of a small computer, powered by either a battery, a solar panel or the electric grid, running specific software, and is connected to a network, which it inspects for events that trigger actions. That’s why I call them “scripts” – because that’s what the software part of such a solution would be called. More specifically, it would be called a daemon or a service, and a typical example of this is a web server. It runs on a specific port, reacts to commands sent to that port, and returns results depending on the inquiry. I intentionally didn’t want to call the astral equivalents of such services “daemons”, because it would create wrong associations. Calling them “scripts” is much more useful, because it conveys the image of computer code connected to power and the sensory apparatus, and is designed to react to specific things by producing specific results. A “daemon” creates an impression of something that is a malevolent force serving Satan, and some scripts indeed fit the description perfectly, but still, one needs to understand that they are in essence glorified code, only running on a different kind of a computer. Since astral matter is inherently intelligent and aware to a degree, it is very easy to make it do specific things, if you possess the required skills; and even if you don’t, you likely do a very primitive form of this purely by accident. The main difference between a script and an entity is that a script is powered. If you visualize an “entity” as a garbage-powered cockroach that seeks to eat garbage of the kind it can absorb because it would otherwise die, a “script” is a web server connected to a power source and a network cable. This describes the difference between the two quite well, because most scripts I encountered are quite scary, because of the elegance of their design, and obvious skill and purpose it betrays. Also, they invariably seem to be shielded from outside tampering. The shielding is based on the will of God in some manner, so it is usually impenetrable, and the “spell” goes something like this: “By the permissions given to me, to create this world and arrange it, according to my contract with the person authorized by God to grant this, I create this script and will it to remain functional and not tampered with”. This makes such scripts inviolable and safe from any attempt to defuse them, even by God himself, until the expiration of the contract with Satan. Fortunately, there is another way of defusing them, and it is by detaching them from their energy source, and those are usually obtained from deceived souls by fraudulent means, and although they too are protected by various means, those are not impenetrable. Those jewels can be either deconstructed and absorbed (if one is skilled and powerful enough to do so), or detached from Satan’s network and returned to their original owner (if they are still alive; and if not, they can pass onto the new owner according to karmic equations that define legitimate ownership). Some scripts, however, are powered by the world-structure itself and this attack vector, by detaching them from the power source or sensory apparatus, is not feasible.

As you can see, some things that appear mystical or paradoxical aren’t really so, but the explanation can be quite involved.