
There’s an important thing that people today seem to misunderstand, or not understand at all, and I’d like to talk about it here a bit.

It’s responsibility.

You see, people today think they have rights. They don’t. You don’t have a right to live. You don’t have a right to be happy. You don’t have a right to feel good. Nobody really gives a shit whether you live, or you’re happy, or you feel good. When the state says you have a right to live, they don’t mean it in a sense that they give a fuck about whether you live or die, they mean it in a sense that if somebody other than the state kills you, they’ll punish him. That’s it. You don’t have a right not to be beaten up, robbed, raped and killed. It’s just that if someone does that to you, he’ll be sentenced to jail. You, however, will be having a dirt nap with blood and seminal fluid dripping from your bodily orifices. You don’t have rights of any kind, no more than that poor caged pig from one of the previous articles. The only difference between you and the pig is that when a pig fucks up, it is killed, and when you fuck up, you’re killed, and the one who killed you goes to jail if they manage to catch him and prove that he did it, and in America, for instance, in a third of the cases they don’t. So basically, your “rights” aren’t an impenetrable personal shield that glows around you and prevents all kinds of harm. They are merely a social construct that is meant to discourage inflicting harm on others by threat of retribution. If, however, you’re dealing with an attacker who isn’t bothered by law, your life is worth as much as that pig’s. You will now think that every attacker will be bothered by law, but you’re wrong. A rabid dog, for instance, couldn’t care less about the law and it might bite you. A drunk and stoned driver is too fucked up to care about the law and whether he hits you or not. A hardened criminal won’t give a fuck about the law, and, most importantly, the state won’t give a fuck about the law, because it owns both the law and you. If the state wants to kill you, you’re dead. If it wants to imprison and torture you without a trial, it will simply label you a terrorist and you’re fucked, because nobody cares what happens to terrorists, and since there was no trial where the charge had to be proven, they can call you whatever they want and get away with it. Essentially, there’s just that one simple label that makes the difference between a citizen and vermin that is to be imprisoned, tortured and disposed of in orderly manner, and the state took liberty to decide who gets labeled. So, good luck in trusting in the state to protect your rights. As far as the state is concerned, you have the right to shut the fuck up or be put in jail.

So, responsibility. You are responsible to take care of yourself. You are responsible for taking precautions against injury, theft, rape or other forms of harm. It’s your job. Once you’re fucked, it’s too late. When you’re that caged pig that is to be carried away to a slaughterhouse, it’s little comfort to you whether the hunter is to be punished by the state or not, because it makes precious little difference to you. Your job is to take precautions against being caught and killed. If you fail, you can have all the excuses you want, you can have all the emotions you want, and you can have the perpetrator punished or not, but there’s no conciliatory prize for failing.

As a spiritual being, it’s your job not to turn yourself into a fucking mess. It’s your job to take care of your spiritual condition. It’s your job to avoid mistakes, and if you still make them, to redress them and learn the lessons necessary in order not to repeat them.

Yesterday, my son came from school with a broken umbrella, and when I asked him how the hell did he manage to break it after only a week of use, he started fumbling about how it’s some other kid who bumped into him and what not. You know what I told him? I told him it’s his job to take care of his things. It’s his job to take precautions against having his things ruined. I don’t care whether it was this or that reason, because it’s always something. What I want from him is not to break things; I don’t want valid-sounding excuses for having things broken.

Everybody has a story that is supposed to excuse their shitty life before God. I’ve seen it, people literally chant bullshit in their heads about how it’s not their fault, how they had to do this or that, how it was their job and they couldn’t help it, how everybody else did the same and they couldn’t help it, how it’s normal to do things their way and if God wanted them to do different things he should have said something.

That pig, too, had an excuse. It was hungry and the pecan nuts were tasty. Nobody gives a shit.

God doesn’t give a shit about your excuses. It’s your job not to fuck up. It’s your job not to commit evil deeds. If you have to die so that you wouldn’t commit an evil deed, then die. It’s your job to live in a state of constant diligence and controlled consciousness. There’s nothing more important for you than to take care of what your consciousness looks like, to take care that it functions properly, that it isn’t contaminated by bullshit, that it is aligned with the light of God. If you take care of that, it’s easy to avoid sin, because it becomes contrary to your nature. If, however, you allow yourself to become a mess, everything becomes difficult or impossible. Sin is impossible to avoid, evil is impossible to resist, good is impossible to do. However, don’t think you’ll have a trial after you die, where someone compassionate will listen to your excuses. Nobody really needs your opinion, because all your actions and the actual reasons behind them are known to God. You might have forgotten why you did something, you might have rationalized your actions later, but God knows exactly why you did something, for every single thought, word and deed. So, there won’t be a trial, because your opinion is the most worthless form of evidence which nobody has a need for. You’ll simply get to be the result of your choices and you will filter out to the plane of existence that corresponds to that “frequency”. If you’re a saint you’ll join God, if you’re a loser you’ll move to Loserville. If you’re a slob you go to Lower Slobovia.

If you want to defend yourself and say “no, I’m not really like that”, great. Defend yourself by making choices that will clearly show you’re not “like that”. I don’t care for what you have to say. I am deaf to words, they do not move me. I care for what you choose to be, what you choose to do. I am deaf to excuses, they mean nothing to me. You know why? Because one of the first things that filled my mind when I decided that I should engage in serious spiritual practice, were excuses. Oh, I can’t do it now, because I live with my parents who are psychotic and abusive and I’m never alone because I share my room with my brother who is always working on some project there. I’ll have to get a job, get my own place, and then start my spiritual practice. It was only for a second that those thoughts filled my mind, but I instantly got it – it never ends. There’s always some excuse. There’s an excuse not to begin, there’s an excuse not to continue, there’s an excuse for failure, but the end result of having excuses will be my failure. There are no prizes for excused losers. So I immediately started meditating, at that moment. I overcame difficulties. I found ways. I invented techniques that work in difficult circumstances. I modified my mind, behavior, actions and approach in order to adapt and overcome. People think I was born with the abilities that I have now, but they are so wrong. Most of what I am now is the result of inventing ways to overcome problems in such a way that I won’t ever have to find excuses for failing, because I knew nobody really wants to listen to the excuses of losers. I’m sure there were dozens of engineers who tried to invent a brushless electric motor, and I’m sure every single one of them had an excuse why he failed and why it’s impossible. There’s also a reason why I don’t know their names and I don’t care about their sad stories, because Tesla solved the problem. I know his story.

Nobody will care to learn why you failed if you fail. It’s your job not to fail. It’s your job to find ways to avoid bad outcomes. That is the purpose of your life, the only significant thing you need to take care of; everything else is unimportant. If you don’t know how, figure out a way. If it’s impossible, invent ways that make it possible. We don’t know the stories of the stone-age men who failed to light a fire and froze to death. Nobody gives a fuck about their reasons and why it’s impossible. If it’s impossible for you, you will leave the stage and make place for those who found a way.

In any case, nobody will care about excuses. Those who succeed won’t have need for them, and those who fail are not important.


(continuation of the previous article)

Sometime in 2006, I asked a rhetorical question out loud – why are my powers under an embargo; why am I essentially stripped naked here, only to have to endure all kinds of avoidable crap. To my surprise, a few Gods actually answered. I talked to just one but I could feel the presence of others in the context, as well. He told me it’s because I would kill everyone. I was shocked – like, “Who, me? Fuck no, I’m the guy who talks to a cat to calm it down when it’s upset, why would I kill everyone?”

What he did conveyed the same emotion as if a human raised his eyebrows and looked at me significantly – like, come on, think about it. And I did, and in the following second or two I understood what he meant and I saw that he’s right. He then let me know that it’s actually not a bad thing or a bad idea, but that they have a different plan for dealing with the problem. Poof, gone.

But I understood several things then. First is that humans are not seen by Gods as children of God, whose lives are precious and important. Rather, they are seen as an abomination, a dark evil. And I understood why they thought I would kill everyone were I not under an embargo on use of spiritual powers.

Let’s play out this scenario where my powers are restored to me, like my vision is occasionally restored to me when the Gods want to tell me something. It doesn’t feel like getting something, it always feels like remembering and retrieving something that was covered by a veil and was inaccessible. Also, it doesn’t feel like me getting powers, it feels like me remembering the more real version of myself, unrestrained. So, I walk through the city and suddenly a veil drops, and I feel an expansion of self. I stop and find a bench in a park to sit down, all the while feeling the consciousness that is light that is vibrating in me, in things, in other beings. I feel both the kind of diffuse, soft, foggy light that makes the material objects, and the hard, strong, pure light/consciousness that makes things that are of higher reality. I just sit there and explore the “taste” of high consciousness, what it tells me about God, about His intents and the way He exists, and I test how deep I can go and see, how much of the intensity I can take.

Apparently, me sitting on a bench in a park and looking at nothing in particular is seen as suspicious to two cops who approach me to ask for ID. I perceive their existence with a fraction of my expanded consciousness, but I don’t see them as interesting in the context of what I’m doing, and I don’t see why I should interrupt my exploration of God’s inner being in order to respond to wishes of two lower astral entities wearing physical bodies. They, however, bark orders and radiate lower astral energy in the direction of my body. I decide that their existence is annoying, and transform their clothes, guns and batons into air, because their silly pretense of authority over me opposes God’s desired order of the Universe, and I strip them of their silly toys in order to show them what they are.

The naked and unarmed cops retreat in disarray and I proceed to test various parts of the Creation to see what is there that pleases God the most. Some things in the higher words are made of energy/consciousness of extremely high order, and beauty of it all is almost too much for me to bear, but I cannot force myself to stop watching. The crystalline structures made of solid vajra, of different colors, parts of it blue and parts so deep and intense it’s black, almost stab my mind with clarity, perfection, intensity and wonder of what it is to be God, and I sit there stunned, when something interrupts me. Apparently, the cops called for reinforcements, who are aiming guns at my physical body, hitting it with batons and trying to bind it with shackles, making angry noises and demanding my immediate submission, as if they are in the position to demand anything from me. Again, I strip them of their silly weapons and uniforms and this time I transport them all to the top of Velebit mountain, so that they’ll have time to think about their poor judgment on their way home, barefoot across sharp rocks.

However, all hell now breaks loose, because a TV crew was broadcasting the event live and it appears that the humans decided that I was somehow an evil threat that they must counter at all cost, because I was powerful and I didn’t feel like complying with their stupid bullshit because I was seeing them for what they are, in the absolute frame of reference. Of course I would not comply with their laws and their silly policemen, no more than a human would comply with the laws of an anthill. You don’t necessarily want to step on ants or burn them all with a flame thrower, but if they annoy you enough, you will eventually do something about it, but that “something” will certainly not be “compliance” with their laws, because you are under a completely different authority and you work with a much wider frame of reference.

And so they start shooting bullets at my physical body, and using flame throwers and bombs and grenades and what not, because they are incredibly threatened by the fact that they cannot order me around and control me and imprison me and kill me as if I were one of them, because I understand that their society is that of fear and submission, and politeness and compliance out of fear, and there are almost no positive aspects of the entire thing they call the “state” or “society”. I grow weary of protecting my body from all kinds of attacks and I first dematerialize all the weapons in the world, and then, after further thought, I dematerialize all the humans who are using this instrument of forced compliance on others. The remaining humans proceed to commit all sorts of evil deeds against each other, and manifest great spiritual darkness and perversion, and I decide that this form of existence is contrary to the will and intent of God, which is greatness and beauty, and I destroy everything that manifests ugliness and perversion, only to see that there are less than a thousand humans now left in the world, and they are confused, disoriented and helpless in this new world empty of organized evil and forced submission, and I take pity on them and transport their souls to higher worlds where they will be among their own kind, and under rules that are actually designed to implement the will of God and promote beauty and greatness. I then understand that this world is inherently evil, that it promotes the form of existence that is contrary to the will of God, and serves as a refuge to all kinds of evil enemies of God who made their evil den here, and that those who love God are lost here and subjected to evil rules contrary to goodness and reason, and I simply destroy this world and implement a ban on creating anything similar in the future, shedding my physical body in the process since it’s merely an image of light that no longer serves any purpose to me. All the good souls rejoicing in the higher worlds proceed to praise God, and all the evil ones who sank into various hells due to their inferior spiritual makeup, proceed to hate God and curse Him, falling even further with each decision.

I see that as a significant improvement and proceed to admire the beauty of dark vajra that makes the souls of Gods, stunned by the beauty and magnificence of God’s intent and his true creation, unlike that vile den of evil that Satan created in his spite, wishing to prove God wrong.

That’s what I understood in those two seconds, under a God’s “oh really?” look. But that’s not all that I understood. I understood that they see humans as vile scum, and this world as a shithole of the worst kind, and that there was no condemnation of what they knew I would do; in fact, they found the idea appealing, but not as thorough as what they had in mind, and they didn’t tell me at the time what that was. Apparently, they only wished it were so easy, but at that time I didn’t know about the problem with Sanat Kumar and all the protections he made against exactly that outcome.


As you could have guessed by now, I read and watch many things, often quite weird, in order to be better informed about the state of things in the world, and the creatures that love to think of themselves as children of God. I recently watched many YouTube videos about gun culture in America. Some of those videos are harmless fun – some guys shooting targets with various guns. Some are about people field-stripping rifles, or even reconstructing them completely, or making their own ammunition.

Some, however, use the guns for their intended purpose of killing. There seem to be areas in America that have problems with coyotes and wild pigs. Only in Texas, there are over 4 million wild pigs that feed on crops, and the farmers are trying to do the best they can to deal with the situation.

One farmer grows pecan nuts, and the pigs come every night to eat his pecans, and at some point he called a friend with a gun and a night-vision sight to, basically, convert pecans into hams. Pigs eat his pecans, he compensates by killing some of them when possible, and eats them. I can understand that and I actually sympathize with the man. His position is “no wonder the pigs taste so good, they’ve been eating nothing but my pecans”.

Some farmers take it further and install fences with GSM controlled trap doors and cameras, and they capture pigs at the rate of 30 at a time and sell them for meat. This method is actually so effective it can be seen as the most effective pig farming method. Take some corn as bait, capture 30 pigs; I don’t know how much corn farmers normally use to grow a pig but I would bet it’s much more.

But this is when I get to feel sorry for the pigs, because they are getting hit disproportionately to their offense. The only decent thing I’ve seen those pigs experience from humans was when the hunter took pity at them and sprayed them with a water hose to cool them down, and I can just see how smart and aware of the situation they are, they’re not stupid animals, but very close to human level of awareness and emotion. You can see their fear and even emotional pain, the feeling of “please don’t kill me, I was just eating some corn”. And that’s just it – that’s the extent of their crimes. They ate some corn. I can see the farmers’ position. He grows his crops, be it peanuts, corn or pecan nuts, and the pigs eat what doesn’t belong to them and harm him, so he has to do something about it. But I also see the pigs’ position. They were eating something tasty that was on the ground, and they are captured and being driven to the slaughterhouse. They are not evil or malicious; they are smart, cute and like tasty things.

There are words that people use when they want to depersonalize you in order to feel morally justified when treating you extremely badly. One such word is “animal”. It’s a very general word for beings that move around on their own, and are not humans. It is so broad it encompasses everything from bugs to whales. If something is an “animal”, it means it can be excepted from empathy. It can be killed and eaten. God doesn’t protect it, moral law doesn’t protect it.

There are worse words, like “vermin”. “Vermin” is the subset of animals that is seen as harmful to human interests. A cockroach is vermin, for instance. You can kill it with no remorse and it’s actually a good deed. A rat is vermin, a wild rabbit is vermin, a coyote or a fox is vermin, and apparently a wild pig is vermin. The word “vermin” is emotionally charged in such a way that one feels absolutely no remorse for eradicating it. They are pests and they are stepped on like bugs. This works especially well when you exterminate vermin from afar, seeing it as a tiny speck in your rifle scope.

When you kill vermin from a helicopter, it’s a funny target practice. There’s no empathy, because you’re shooting vermin, and they are just rat-sized moving targets seen from above.

But that’s the trick: humans can be seen as vermin, especially if you see them from afar.

You see an image on the screen and you decide whether it’s human or vermin. If it’s vermin, you press a button, see puff of smoke and vermin falls down. If it continues moving, press button again until it stops. Vermin eradicated.

There’s a reason why the Nazi concentration camp workers and commanders lived perfectly normal lives and didn’t suffer from any particular stress. They were not killing people. They were eradicating vermin. It’s a good thing, it has to be done for the benefit of your kind. You are a child of God, and that’s just vermin.

A cockroach is vermin, a rat is vermin, a pig is vermin, a Taliban is vermin, a Jew is vermin. From afar, all vermin is alike, they are cockroach-sized specks you can place a cursor at and squish them until they stop moving. From up close, a pig is conscious, aware, afraid and feels pain because it knows it is about to be killed for the horrible crime of eating corn. From up close, vermin that is brought to a concentration camp for orderly extermination is Anne Frank. But you don’t want to look up close, you shave their heads, dress them in rags and treat them like pigs or rats or some other species of vermin. It helps you make the moral distinction between you, a child of God, and vermin that needs to be exterminated for the greater good.

Humans like to feel good about themselves, they like to feel they are better than vermin, than animals, than “that scum” they are shooting. Americans in particular seem to be very fond of that attitude. They eradicated the Indians who were vermin. They eradicated the American bisons by shooting them from trains for sport. They went to Vietnam where they treated the patriotic locals as vermin, and occasionally eradicated entire villages full of vermin, the strange looking people who didn’t speak English and instead made incomprehensible vermin noises. Obviously it’s not a problem, it’s not like they’re killing good Americans.

Thich Nhat Hanh, a famous Buddhist teacher, told stories about how the Americans killed his students in Vietnam, either by accident or in their valiant effort to exterminate vermin.

It’s interesting how vermin can be quite smart and sophisticated. I, myself, used to be that caged pig, and I used to be an ant-sized creature in someone’s targeting scope when he shot rocket-propelled cluster bombs in the general direction of where I used to live, along with other vermin that was to be indiscriminately killed. The Americans who pay for the opportunity to shoot at pigs from a helicopter remind me of the so-called “weekend Chetniks”, who found great entertainment at shooting the Croatian vermin in Vukovar during the siege. It’s not like they were shooting at proper humans or anyone of value. It’s not like my wife was there as a child, throughout the entire siege, and was hit by shrapnel from a tank grenade that exploded in her home. I must say it’s an interesting experience to be seen and treated as vermin, because you get to learn much about humans and how they rationalize the evil of their existence. They, the children of God, who are doing only what has to be done for the greater good, exterminating vermin and fighting evil.

But what if the table were to be turned, and you found out that “vermin” were in fact the precious children of God, and you are a dark abomination in the eyes of the Gods? What if they saw your extermination as a good thing, as destruction of the evil spawn of Satan?

(to be continued…)

About Satan

Whenever I talk about Satan and how he influences things in this world and so on, people who listen to that invariably end up with wrong conclusions. They seem to see Satan behind every single thing, involved with the tiniest nuances of their personal lives, which is of course not how it works. And yet, it is.

What Satan actually does, is the same thing you would do in his place. He made simple, straightforward rules that deal with predictable things. For instance, “block memory of things that precede incarnation”. If you don’t know what you are, what you’re doing here and what’s the nature of this place, you’re fucked. If you try to get out, most likely you’ll end up worse for the wear. So it’s a simple rule with far-reaching effects, that serves Satan’s goals with zero personal involvement on his part.

So, let me list some of those rules. I know, they look terribly obvious, but bear with me.

Make the thing out of inviolable resources, with claim to free will, so that everyone has the right to experience it freely, and nobody has the right to prevent entry.

Inhibit memory of existence prior to incarnation.

Inhibit personal vertical. Promote anahata chakra as a substitute.

Discourage personal growth. Promote investment of energy into others.

Block spiritual powers. Allow exceptions only when harmful. Direct the negative reactions to obvious harm into feeding the ban on spiritual powers (power = ego = harm = bad).

Allow physical survival only by means that further entangle the subject. Prohibit physical survival by means that promote liberation.

Invest all spiritual resources which you control as bait. Make the trap glow with spiritual attractiveness and promise of progress, evolution and greatness.

Prior to incarnation, deceive by offering insight into positive aspects of the future life, while obscuring the negative ones, and the ratio of negative to positive.

At the moment the incarnation tree is chosen, adapt it so that deception points and decoys are introduced prior to important events, which will be subconsciously remembered. Justify deception by saying there must be temptations and trials in order for the prize to be legitimately chosen and won.

Contract prior to incarnation is worded in such a way that you can’t leave unless you accept total responsibility for your actions. In reality, it means that you can’t blame him for anything if you want to be allowed to leave. If you accept responsibility for his actions, however, he will make sure that you are punished for the full extent of his crimes and then you will really not be allowed to leave.

Provide anonymous spiritual answers. Confirm ideas that lead to bondage. Condemn ideas that lead to liberation. Offer spiritual feedback that promotes your goals and gravely harms those who follow it, but provide it in such a way that it can always be dismissed later, as either an illusion or a mistake, and the victim won’t be able to say for sure who or what is the source.

Interpret suicide as rejection of all the positive and spiritually valuable aspects of the incarnation tree that were initially deceptively offered, and as an act of self-destruction, and, as such, hostility to God.

Make preservation of self possible only by spiritually destructive means.

React to attack passively, by barring access to your resources.

This, of course, is not generalized enough; most items on the list are merely variations on some more fundamental rule, but I was afraid that if I wrote the rules in their general form they would be as incomprehensible as mathematical definitions. If I tell you that “something” is a convex hull of three non-collinear points, you will be unlikely to understand that “something” is a triangle. Similarly, it’s difficult for me to describe how deadly some of the basic rules are, if I give their generalized definition.

As a result of those basic rules, Satan doesn’t ever have to even know about you, in order to wreck your entire existence. He made sure he’s never directly and personally involved. He can actually credibly pretend he did it all for the greatest good of all. No evil deed will have his signature; in fact, he makes sure that his victims are actually harmed by his other victims, or that evil can be ascribed to some impersonal factor, like nature or luck or weather or seismicity.

If you suspect him of evil, you will have no evidence and this suspicion will be treated as an evil of slander. If you blame other beings of evil, this will also be treated as a crime, because you don’t have actual positive knowledge of the facts and they can always be interpreted differently (and the reality is that it’s all his fault, but you can’t prove it). If you blame yourself, it’s treated as valid admission of guilt and he will benevolently guide you on the path of redemption, which means you are to be spiritually destroyed by investing energy in his trap and making it stronger, and taking the karmic blame for strengthening the trap.

Satan doesn’t lurk behind every corner, dreaming of ways in which he can destroy the good people and the faithful of God. This entire world is designed to do this for him, without him lifting a finger, and it’s all energetically financed by the victims; it’s a brilliant design, like powering the shield by the energy of the attack.

So, basically, he took care that everything he demonstrably did has a justifiable spiritual explanation. He also took care that he never actually directly does anything condemnable. He also took care that no valid testimony can be made against him for his crimes. He doesn’t even have to be alive in order for his trap to continue working according to his will and intent. It’s probably the most sophisticated piece of astral trickery ever devised, with the most sound, foolproof magical protections ever devised. There is no direct way in which it can be attacked. Any indirect form of attack will bear the full force of all his trickery, deceptions and horrors his trap can provide to the attacker.

His trap is so good because he kept improving it by adding countermeasures to every successful attempt of defeating it. He didn’t initially make it so good; the initial version seems to have had less rules and more flaws, but he kept patching it. Also, the initial version had less energy and was less attractive and obscured the higher spiritual realities less effectively; he progressively incorporated spiritual resources obtained from his victims by means of deception, in order to make it stronger. It got better, but he’s a paranoid bastard, and he was always careful and observed every significant threat with great diligence. He didn’t often intervene personally, but when super-threats such as Buddha or Jesus appeared, he knew his rule-based system isn’t smart enough to defeat them so he intervened personally, at great risk of exposure.

He wasn’t scared without reason, because he’s dead, and has been for some time now. However, he doesn’t need to be alive and present for his trap to continue working as intended; that’s the main problem with it. It’s like the fictional Skynet – its creator doesn’t have to be alive in order for it to keep functioning independently. It can, however, be attacked much more effectively if his strategic mind isn’t here to oversee the form of attacks, because his rule-based system lacks the ability to anticipate threats strategically and pre-empt them before they have fully manifested. You can essentially create non-threatening components of the attack in front of his systems’ eyes and they don’t perceive the threat until it’s too late. It’s like a minefield – it’s deadly, but if its creator isn’t there to protect it with machine-gun fire, it’s much easier to dismantle.

However, the problem with dismantling it is that you have to eat all the landmines. The only way to destroy a component is to be harmed by it against karmic law, and then you get power over it, but then, as it is yours, it becomes your duty to convert it into something pure and good, kalapa by kalapa. This makes it a rather unpleasant problem to solve, and that’s why there’s no abundance of volunteers crazy enough to attempt it. Which, of course, makes my life the awful piece of shit that it is.


Some define the end-result of spiritual development as achievement of unity with God.

Some define it as recognition of unity with God that was here all along, only obscured by a veil of illusion.

Some define it as cessation of all psychic momenta; citta-vrtti-niroddha, or nirvana.

Some define it as sunyata, emptiness.

Some define it as freedom from cycle of rebirth.

Some define it as extinction of the four constituent elements in the fifth.

Some define it as a state of pardon, granted by God, for all your sins, inherited or personal, or, alternatively, as a condition of having paid for all your debts in fullness.

I have a different take on this.

If you didn’t figure out that Sanat Kumara (call him Satan or Mara or whatever you please) owns this place and controls all the entrances and exits, you attained exactly jack shit.

If you do get it, and you do understand what he is, what he’s doing and what the problem is, that doesn’t mean that you are free, or even that you will become free with sufficient effort. It just means that you know what the name of the game is, and you’re not trying to play chess at a poker table.

If you don’t get it, I don’t care about your “unity with God”, your “good deeds” or your spiritual powers. You are deluded, and used by Sanat Kumara in order to trick other fools to follow you on a wrong path, where they will be bound and ruined. Whatever you think you achieved, you achieved through his will alone, and according to his plan. If it actually had any value for your liberation or the liberation of others, you would see him blocking your path. If he’s not seeing your actions as enough of a threat to mess with you, whatever you think you’re doing is worthless.

If he’s actually helping you, it means that what you’re doing is actively harmful to yourself and others and will increase bondage. Essentially, if the enemy isn’t shooting at you, you’re not doing anything he finds threatening.